Elul Joy, Soulful Songs & Healing Vibrations by Eli Goldsmith, Dov Halperin & Dr. Klempner!


Thank you for the Special Cover @Light of Infinite festival will be hosting us on Sept 20th… Summary – Joining us for our Double Emuna Tuesday Hosted @GoldsmithEli – Click, Join FB Live Feed & Share on – https://www.facebook.com/breslev.english Our Special Guest Emuna Class – Unity Bookings – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com – will be going live at 12 pm @Breslev_English – On all our Audio Platforms & the YouTube link TBA… Our Weekly Follow-up United Souls Class Part 2 will continue at 330pm @midnightrabbi Tuesday B’H – #UnitedSouls​ Weekly Emuna Class – Enjoy growing together #Elul #Joy 2022 – Get #Antisoulism Trending Please!

Dr. Benjamin Klempner – “Vibrational Healing” United Souls Double Emuna Tuesday Class Q/A #84! Click & Share – https://fb.watch/f4GA7jIivN/ – Dr. Benjamin Klempner joined our Double Emuna Tuesday Class Q/A #84 at 12 pm – https://soundsymphony.net/ – Unity Bookings – DM our MC Eli G @breslevenglish – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Visit our website, Breslev Israel, presided by Rabbi Shalom Arush: https://breslev.com/lecturer-video/rabbi-eli-goldsmith/

Emuna Tour 2022 B”H – @RavShalomArush – הרב שלום ארוש – Emunalive.com When: 04 November 2022, to 15 November 2022. Where: New York, NY & NJ – USA 2 Shabbaton’s Brooklyn & Monsey – the Rav is available for Kebalat Kehal together, potential 2/3 Main Classes with Rav Dayan Elgrod available for English Translation & assistance – Emuna Books – Breslev.com – Plz Email – Eli.Goldsmith@breslev.co.il or DM Eli Breslev Goldsmith here WhatsApp – +972526662411 – the meetings with #RavShalomArush will fill up quick and priority is given to our hosts and the Rav’s well-being and schedule… For Info & to Sponsor/Partner with #EmunaTour – https://breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future.html

NEW – https://moshereuven.com/moshe-s-booking-agent-eli-goldsmith – DM/Email – Eli@MosheReuven.com

Unity Bookings is excited to offer talented Artists for your easy booking pleasure – DM/Email – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com or reach out directly to WhatsApp +972533175856… Check out the inspiring updated list of many of our talented🙂 #unitybookings #singers #artists #bands #speakers #wedding #barmitzvah #batmitzvah #event #booknow – Updated General list – https://unityinspiresprojects.wordpress.com/2019/06/18/unity-inspires-booking-artists-creatives-events-updated/

New Media Link Recommended – https://www.moshegersht.com/unity Nov UK/US Tour Yes

United Souls – Extracts from New Book TBA – by Eli Goldsmith – Part 20 – Fighting for our Soul & Process! (subscribe now) https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-30b?sd=pf – Share your #UnityFlow – #UnityBookings – #unityinspiresprojects DM/ UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Going live soon – Appreciated feedback – BH This morning my coffee ☕️ and catching up on my Learning wow how on earth did I ever miss this from a year ago… the hardcore Emuna teaching from Rav Arush begins about 15 minutes into the video – Unity Bookings DM – Nissim Black 🖤

Must see Nissim Black opening video footage from Rerun 👁
I must have been hiding under a rock lol
Now thanks to the Emuna team of Rav Shalom Arush – Eli Goldsmith and Nissim Black’s commitment to fulfilling HaShem’s will I am learning how to dust myself off from that cave I was living in… anon Emunalive.com

Thank you for sharing @RudyRochman רודי רושמן – keep inspiring – Unity Inspires Projects #creativeflow… The Full Version – https://fb.watch/dVhdXzGP7c/ @EliGoldsmith – Emunlive.com – DM for #unitybookings 🙂 The new special clips are appreciated!

United Souls Double Emuna Tuesday Class Q/A Weekly # 83 – https://fb.watch/eX9BGjHyFW/ – 16th August 12 pm – Please Partner with our Emuna Tour 2022 – Check out & Follow the talented sincere Dov Halperin דב הלפרין our next special guest – Click & Share –

Enjoy אלייצור – אבא נשמה | Yair Elitzur – aba neshama – #emunamusic #shareon #unitedsouls #unitybookings

Great quality real track and video as usual gonna share on platforms holy @assaf_harush – keep up the special Emuna Music we all so need… #assafharush #emunamusic #newtrack #shareon @GoldsmithEli

Yes holy brother & all – Dr Eliezer G – thank you Hashem for such a collaborative unity focus… #tyhashem #thankyouHashem #unitybookings #goodchodeshElul Emunalive.com

The request of our teacher @rav_shalom__arush to start praying for the Gathering of #Uman #roshhashana – due to the sensitive and explosive situation between Ukraine and Russia needs a lot of prayers so that the gates of peace will open and the devotees can safely reach the mark of our Rebbi. The Rav shlita has had to isolate himself on the matter and to evoke mercy. “Because this thing specifically has the most effect on us all… “Because our essence knows the importance and criticality of the gathering!
He promised that when we would come to Tzion of #RebbeNachman and give a penny to charity and say the #Tikkunklali, the person will surely be saved, even though he has gone through what he has gone through, even if their lacks have grown very much, “I will strive and strive throughout and wide to save and repair”. Our Rebbi promises – our Rebbi also fulfils!! B’H Emunalive.com @unityinspiresprojects

Dealing With Addictions And Pain by Gedale Fenster! Click & Share – Dealing With #Addictions And Pain by Gedale Fenster. We hope on our Rav Shalom Arush Emuna Tour 2022 to make a special class in NYC (TBA) with #GedaleFenster & team. Click & share our #emunapodcast – #BreslevPower #dealingwithpain #RebbeNachman! For Sponsorships Regarding Breslev Power Classes Please Send A WhatsApp Message To (305)290-1492 for sponsoring here please email eli.goldsmith@breslev.co.il or https://www.breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future.html -#tyhashem! Sponsors to Gedale’s Team and causes posted on the video for this class: Thank you to all our past anonymous donors – Also for Gedale and Elisea to continue to spread light to the Jewish people! Dedicated to Gedale’s son’s elevation of his pure soul – Yerachmiel Doniel Ben Gedale.

😍 WATCH LIVE ON YOUTUBE: 😍 WATCH LIVE ON IGTV @Breslev_English 😍Enjoy our Growing Emuna Tour Playlist – Happy to come to host your talents and community – https://www.facebook.com/watch/132606533481945/514213226140286 Enjoy our new place for Unity & Emuna Flow Podcast & Project updates by @midnightrabbi_inspires & Team!

Listen to our #relationship podcast: Did the Holidays Begin for the Relationship Flow yet? https://anchor.fm/eli-real/episodes/Did-the-Holidays-Begin-for-the-Relationship-Flow-yet-e1mqh0r So important to make time during the busy holiday days leading up to Elul and the new blessed year for the soulmate focus! After all the trips and hustle of our generally pressured filled days, connection with your loved ones is priority especially a special time for the #RelationshipFlow to be renewed! So kind regards:) and still hopeful for caring collaborations…
To assist us financially currently for the special months ahead and to sponsor our Unity Inspires Projects plz partner with our secure link! Click kindly here – https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli

Listen to our relationship podcast: Relationship Struggles – @tinipops613 2022! https://anchor.fm/eli-real/https://relationshipflow.wordpress.com/ Join #EliGoldsmith for his ongoing discussion and learning about how to UNIFY OUR WORLD! United Souls Course with Serious request – @PulveRedu – @midnightrabbi! Subscribe here – https://eligoldsmithinspiredflow.wordpress.com/ https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/ — Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/breslevisrael/support

Breslev Israel Podcast


Thank you for the Special Cover @Light of Infinite festival will be hosting us on Sept 20th… Summary – Joining us for our Double Emuna Tuesday Hosted @GoldsmithEli – Click, Join FB Live Feed & Share on – https://www.facebook.com/breslev.english Our Special Guest Emuna Class – Unity Bookings – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com – will be going live at 12 pm @Breslev_English – On all our Audio Platforms & the YouTube link TBA… Our Weekly Follow-up United Souls Class Part 2 will continue at 330pm @midnightrabbi Tuesday B’H – #UnitedSouls​ Weekly Emuna Class – Enjoy growing together #Elul #Joy 2022 – Get #Antisoulism Trending Please!

Dr. Benjamin Klempner – “Vibrational Healing” United Souls Double Emuna Tuesday Class Q/A #84! Click & Share – https://fb.watch/f4GA7jIivN/ – Dr. Benjamin Klempner joined our Double Emuna Tuesday Class Q/A #84 at 12 pm – https://soundsymphony.net/ – Unity Bookings – DM our MC Eli G @breslevenglish – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

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About Eli Goldsmith - United Souls

From London originally, Eli Goldsmith was born into a family well established in the music and entertainment industries. Eli has transferred his upbringing and talents to the cutting edge of Jewish culture and talent and has hosted many exciting events for a variety of programs. Recently he’s managed the well-known music artist Nissim Black, consulted successfully with high profile media articles, world tour, & online music biz opportunities! Eli has studied in England at John Lyons School Harrow, Woodhouse College, and Sussex University. He continued his education in Israel, studying Talmudic Law and group counseling at Ohr Sameach, Kollel Aiza HaBirah, Kollel Boston, and Derech Hamelech. He’s served as a Rabbi in six well-known programs, and became lovingly knows as the “Midnight Rabbi,” – thus named by his own students, Eli has rounded off his outlook with the wisdom and insight of Stephen Covey’s “7 habits," and developed the “10 habits” – a successful, practical business approach. He worked as a consultant for a well-known charity for 4 years! He honed his skills and talents as a manager working at the Jaffa Institute, and its sister program the Bet Shemesh Educational Center, where he formed bonds with special people worldwide. He also worked as an office manager at the UKA, and as a counselor at Retorno - a rehab center. He’s also had great experiences working in different fields, in places like Grantwatch.com, Hiko.Energy.com, Campuscasa.com, Cellular Israel, etc. Recently, Eli was MC for all of Breslev Israel’s English platforms, events, weekly Studio classes for Rav Shalom Arush, and the Emuna Team! He successfully developed inspiring new projects and platforms, while performing as a dynamic PR representative for various social media and music companies at the same time. Eli contributes to professionalism, HR, and positive developmental feedback. Speaking in front of large audiences online and in-person with real confidence bringing change. Eli is dedicated to a 2020 Vision (and beyond) of Unity Projects, Unity Bookings, and Unity Marketing. These projects are the keys to addressing the root of the core issues facing our generation. Eli has founded the Unity Inspires Projects to facilitate positive, lasting change. Part of this project is the Unity Booking Agency, with its growing list of talented creatives, speakers, and artists :)! Thanks for your Unity Focus and Inspired Collaboration with Unity Marketing! :) WhatsApp is the best way to contact Eli at -+972505305002! Email: UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com Twitter: #unitedsouls!

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