Tag Archive | Breslov

Emuna Tour & Weekly Q&A Classes – Rav Shalom Arush translated @ Rav Shlomo Katz & Rav Dayan Elgrod – United Souls in Challenged Times!


Thank you for hosting @ShlomoKatz #shiratdavid – #RavShalomArush & Emuna Team @BreslevEnglish excited to have joined you all… #unitybookings the official version Emuna Podcast Version – https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/eVOD9HE3qxb @EliUnityGoldsmith IG Version – https://www.instagram.com/tv/Cop8zKhjAR8/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Now is the time to build towards our #Future with Emuna is our Future 2023! https://www.breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future.html We need your interest and partnership to make this #EmunaTour 2023, even more, #inspiring, #meaningful, #innovative, and #unified than past Tours! Email eli.goldsmith@breslev.co.il with your community hosting and partnership request! #EmunaisourFuture #EmunaTour #Booknow #Partnernow #SpecialGuestsTBA #Come #Unity = #community!

Summary Emuna Weekly Q&A Class – Rav Shalom Arush translated @ Rav Dayan Elgrod – Emuna in Challenged Times! Click & Share – – Answering questions on the current challenging times and how we can find comfort with guidance in United Souls etc… praying for all, sharing Emuna Global specifically the Garden of Purity with the climax of #shovavim, etc… The Rav wants us to share this book – https://breslev.com/product/the-garden-of-purity-for-men-only/ The Weekly live English Emuna Class by #RavShalomArush: “Q & A with #RavDayanElgrod” – “#thesantification” Listen here for the Audios – https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/GMJHUxxAhwb This BH will be about weekly topics and one can send questions that will be answered IY”H during the Emuna Class – Email Eli.Goldsmith@Breslev.co.il. Partner here – https://www.breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future.html @midnightrabbi Join our EMUNA WhatsApp Group Channel 2 – https://chat.whatsapp.com/G0MKECzqq0Q1Ctq9ViCcia Please contact @breslevenglish – Direct @EliGoldsmith_inspired for updates and Emunalive Tour 2023 – Eli.Goldsmith@Breslev.Co.il

United Souls – Extracts from New Book TBA – by  @GoldsmithEli  – Part 27 – Using our Talents & Sharing the United Flow! https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-d19?sd=pf – SUBSCRIBE & Share your #unityflow!

Everyone has their own unique journey and ability to shine. We are all walking around this world with so much depth and potential just we underestimate our ability to perform and get much more accomplished. In the end, to understand on the soul level we have almost endless ideals and abilities. We can transform the whole world with the expansive light of the soul much like one of our ancestors whose light and love of Our Creator filled the whole world. Together with his soulmate, our ancestor was an eternal chariot of kindness and love with the legacy of our whole human history. His descendants are more plentiful than the stars. Making the purpose of everything in Creation, bringing out the oneness in all the Universe. And yet in our generation, we are made to feel we lack so much, physically, emotionally, and financially. Even spiritually the message is there is so much more holiness way beyond our existing wisdom with understanding, we begin to feel how much we lack spiritually too. This isn’t in a motivational way towards growth but rather an experience of the seeming nothingness of creation. This is that moment when a person wants to give up and yet we can transform that feeling of hopelessness by going forward no matter what. Then we tap into an even greater level of ourselves as from that feeling of emptiness, our true talents and skills come into focus. Usually, the struggle draws out the greatest strengths hidden within. We all can face our fears and concerns with a soulful determination to shine. To light up those difficult moments with values of kindness. To care and pray for salvation for ourselves and our loved ones. To manifest the blessings of our ancestry, of our inner values, the connection point that fills all of creation. This is the level of United Souls that brings forth true talents and skills. Now we are aware of this, let’s develop these all towards a higher purpose, the destination of the soul.

The more we connect to our Soul Level the more we experience the United Flow in our daily lives. Now we are feeling and knowing this truth on a daily level we have to share this gift with others. There are so many online platforms to share our United Soul content. Personally, I have been persistently sharing my content on 3 Podcasts and guest experiences on other people’s Podcasts. Teaching classes for many years has been a form of sharing the flow and now mostly teaching online, posting United Flow content, loving & living in a relatable way, enabling artists, speakers, and creatives with events in person and online, hosting guests, bringing up children, becoming a role model, and most recently writing a book you are reading right now! The United Soul is overflowing with words toward people. We just have to keep shining in whatever small or big way we can.

This is an important soulful quote from a great teacher of our time –

The soul of a human being has been compared to a woman—a wife of G-d, as it were! Why? Because the soul represents that part of our identity that is in a perpetual relationship with G-d, described as “the husband.” A husband and a wife, even when they have issues with each other, are still in a relationship. They can love each other or hate each other, but they can’t be indifferent to each other. The soul is that part of our self that cannot ignore G-d!

This is the cry of the numb human being: My soul is dead, and my emotions have been manipulated and enslaved. I do not own my love or my awe anymore. I have been robbed of them; they are owned by forces outside of me. Your emotions may be faint, and your soul may be dead, but your essence is always present. That part of your life that stands face to face with G-d’s essence — essence to essence — never dies. It may be buried for decades, but it is never dead.

Act, act more, and act even more.

Continue to perform G-dly, moral, and sacred deeds, many good and G-dly deeds, even if they seem borrowed and empty to you. As for an empty marriage — make sure to act lovingly, though you may feel that your spouse is a burden. Fill your life with thousands of empty vessels, with numerous acts of “borrowed love” in which your own heart is not present. Husbands: Go out and buy roses, wash the dishes, put the kids to sleep, pick up the groceries, and write cards. Wives: Say loving words, do kind things, and build up your husbands. Each and every day perform acts of love and kindness toward your spouse.

As for a closed-hearted parent attempting to educate his or her children — approach your children, embrace them, and tell them how much you love them. Your heart may be locked, and your emotions stifled — it does not matter. For many of us, it is impossible to live a life of perpetual inner vitality and inspiration; but we are capable of filling our lives with empty vessels, with a schedule saturated with meaningful acts and experiences. When the moment will come, and your soul will peek out from its inner core, its life force and inspiration will fill all your empty vessels with life! All the above in this section is quoted from Rabbi YY Jacobson from The Yeshiva.net weekly On the Paraha, this was from Parshat Vayeira. (Shovavim Climaxes this week)

Emunalive.com join us for Rav Shalom Arush with Rav Shlomo Katz translating into English at Shirat Dovid, Efrat… ty Hashem… #unitybookings…

Click – for Unity Bookings – Musicians – Artists

For #UnityBookings & #UnitedSouls Projects – Unity Bookings New Site in Development – https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/ – https://unityinspireprojects.com/speakers-mentalist-creatives/ – The New #UnityBookings site as part of @unityinspiresprojects – https://unityinspireprojects.com/ – worth a share…  

UnityInspireProjects.com – #Entrance #NissimBlack #visiting#seminar #Meorot #Yerushalayim #Inspired #adored #unitybookings #NB #team #G0DSMAN #G0DSTEAM #prayer #adayinthelife #DM – Listen to our #unityflow #podcast: Nissim Black Special Shovavim Class for Midreshet Moriah – Unity Bookings – Jerusalem! https://anchor.fm/eligoldsmith/episodes/Nissim-Black-Special-Shovavim-Class-for-Midreshet-Moriah—Unity-Bookings—Jerusalem-e1ude24

#NissimBlack Special #Shovavim Class for the girls of Midreshet Moriah – #UnityBookings – Girls are doing a review and look forward to R Nissim’s return – based in Jerusalem! Big thanks to Eli Goldsmith & UB NB Team – UnityInspireProjects.com – For booking Unity Projects and Nissim Black please email – Unityinspiresprojects@gmail.com to bring more unity to our lives! – worth a share…

Click for Unity Bookings – Speakers & Mentalist

Yosef Brown – Unity Bookings – https://unityinspireprojects.com/speakers-mentalist-creatives/
Nissim Black posted – For many years we have been making great music together. My Brother in Law and Brother in Life 4 Ever. Meet Yosef Brown (One20Muzik), who not only guides our music but has been my guide in life. Boys since 5 years old, and still running! Happy to share success with my Bro! #NissimBlack #YosefBrown #One20Muzik #2023music #2023UnitedSouls

Yosef Brown – A deep sincere dedicated Friend, Husband, Father, Brother, Teacher, Speaker & Soul – truly worth bringing to your community to share Real Live Advice & Flow that connects to our generation of Souls… Photo Credit: Yitzchak Meltz – #unitybookings

Gedale Fenster​ – Unity Bookings – https://unityinspireprojects.com/speakers-mentalist-creatives/
Gedale Fenster is an internationally renowned motivational speaker, spiritual leader, life coach, entrepreneur, author, and philanthropist. He has become known worldwide as one of the most recognized faces in the field of personal development. His approach, simple and straightforward yet profound and wise, has empowered millions of individuals to achieve success in all aspects of life. His teachings are firmly rooted in spirituality and the belief that problems are truly blessings in disguise.

Happy 😃 to have now been featured on the Speaker Central site – @unityinspiresprojectshttp://speakercentral.org/speaker.asp?speakerID=1285 #speakercentral #chabad #inspires #unityprojects #booknow

New Podcast Flows Below…https://open.spotify.com/embed/show/1WI37vLKdB1ew9NhPZGHCr

Relationship Flow featuring my soulmate @tinipops https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/1PeQRPgKHXMQwIX9LsIbvF

Now a Video Version of our Emuna Podcast on

Unity Flow Podcast Episode – Enjoy & Share on IG etc…https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/3nBh2Kjctdz7wiqemj0hSx

Excited to announce Unity Bookings is including AHAVA PRODUCTIONS – DJ Ariel Katz​ on our growing new site – https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/ – WE ARE THE EXCELLENCE IN JEWISH ENTERTAINMENT FROM WEDDINGS TO CONCERTS & BEYOND – #arielkatz #ahavaproductions #unitybookings

United Souls – Extracts from New Book TBA – by  @GoldsmithEli  – Part 27 – Using our Talents & Sharing the United Flow! https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-d19?sd=pf – Share your #unityflow @unityinspiresprojects— Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/breslevisrael/support

Breslev Israel Podcast


Thank you for hosting @ShlomoKatz #shiratdavid – #RavShalomArush & Emuna Team @BreslevEnglish excited to have joined you all… #unitybookings the official version Emuna Podcast Version – https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/eVOD9HE3qxb @EliUnityGoldsmith IG Version – https://www.instagram.com/tv/Cop8zKhjAR8/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Now is the time to build towards our #Future with Emuna is our Future 2023! https://www.breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future.html We need your interest and partnership to make this #EmunaTour 2023, even more, #inspiring, #meaningful, #innovative, and #unified than past Tours! Email eli.goldsmith@breslev.co.il with your community hosting and partnership request! #EmunaisourFuture #EmunaTour #Booknow #Partnernow #SpecialGuestsTBA #Come #Unity = #community!

Summary Emuna Weekly Q&A Class – Rav Shalom Arush translated @ Rav Dayan Elgrod – Emuna in Challenged Times! Click & Share – – Answering questions on the current challenging times and how we can find comfort with guidance in United Souls etc… praying for all, sharing Emuna Global specifically the Garden of Purity with the climax of #shovavim, etc… The…

View original post 1,533 more words

United Souls Collaboration Album #1 Media & Partnership on Unity Request by Eli Goldsmith!

via United Souls #1 Collab Album – Coming out Aug 5th – TuBav!

Hi Unity Friends & Staff, Wishing all good health!!!

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We have good news at this challenging time of Corona and all,
My name is Eli Goldsmith, I grew up in Edgware, London, part of the well know promoters family, Martin & Harvey Goldsmith! My family is still promoting in the Eventmerch.com business and I personally shifted to live in Jerusalem these past 20 years bringing my promotional energy to Israel!
I have had the pleasure of hosting many Unity Concerts and Events here in the holy land for special teenagers and beyond! I have assisted personalities like Shyne Po, many special programs, and Y-unity love in Israel, etc. I represented artists like Nissim Black and co with much success, traveling much of North America and the UK.
I am currently representing Nissim Black, Rav Arush & co amongst our Unity Booking Agency Growing list of talented Creatives and Artists <-:)!
However, due to the Corona Challenge, I had to switch a potential Unity Global Event wake up the world with a Unity Live Event globally streaming on one day Aug 5th (TuBav) from Jerusalem, much like my family did with Live Aid 35 years ago (which I was in attendance in the Royal Box in Wembley in the summer of 1985), to releasing a Collaboration Album instead. My father wisely advised me to bring together a solid selection of the artists I work with and release a collab album instead!
This will be just the first of many and we have called this special collab album United Souls <- to be released Aug 5th (TuBav) – please share this good news onwards! It will be released under my new start-up label Unity Bookings & Unity Inspires Projects!
Here is the distribution link – Distrokid.com/hyperfollow/united-souls-1!  (There is a pre-save option for Spotify!)
The goal is to bring a crucial needed message to the world of “Hope, Unity, Inspiration”, and the ability to go ahead even during the Corona Challenge! The following Collab Albums will grow in their inclusion in more mainstream famous Unity focused artists! The first collab album is mostly to give new artists an opportunity to showcase their skills and unity message, with the mid-album feat. established artists like Yosef Karduner feat. Eitan Katz, Joey Newcomb, and Shlomo Katz, etc… beautiful soulful tracks picking up our first collab album to a whole new level! We also have a pre-promo Single release from Isaac Miracles!
Also, I personally have shifted many of my bookings & events to online speaking performance events through Live feeds on Social Media & Zoom!
I am also fortunate next to my home in Jerusalem to have opened together with Rav Shalom Arush and Emuna Team a new studio which weekly streams out to 100000’s (FB live, YouTubelive, IGlive & 3 growing Podcasts) the universal message of Emuna (intrinsic belief in our soul and our Creator to have a thankful mindset and go ahead no matter what to a well-fulfilled life of joy)! We have already hosted during my Emuna Classes with Rav Shalom Arush translated into English, well-known personalities to discuss current issues with exciting Q/A format for all our friends and special unique guests including Nissim Black, Shlomo Katz, Mordechai Ben Avraham, Yosef Daniel, Shloime Zionce and more!
This all, thank G-d, has allowed me with my own growing family in Jerusalem to be active in a lot of positive media that is bringing a lot of Unity Content to the global message I am asking you and your network to assist in promoting! To kindly partner in this worthy needed cause & uplifting project!
Thank you for your Unity Focus & Inspired Collaboration with our Projects!
Sincere appreciation for your time and look forward to going forward with only good news,
Eli Goldsmith & Unity Team :)!
– WhatsApp Contact best -+972533175856!
Unity Inspires Projects

Our Inner Strength & New Opportunities during The Corona Challenge!

We wish all a speedy healing, much comfort and deep appreciation for all who are going ahead with kindness & care!

Please enjoy, share, learn & return from some of our #UnityContent we are sharing here & on all our platforms! With our Inner Strength, Bs’d we are going ahead together!

To assist in our Unity Inspires Projects plz partner with our secure link! Unified Blessings to us all! #UnifiedContent #UnityBookings #UnityMusic #UnityFocus Plz Email us your Unity Content to Share – UnityInspiresProjects@Gmail.com!
Click kindly here -> https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli #thankyou!

Thank you for joining us in our new Recording Studio in holy Jerusalem, on our Breslev English Platforms for the Live Feed of our Weekly #EmunaClass by Eli Goldsmith!

Emuna Studio Eli GClick here to watch IGTV Inspired – https://www.instagram.com/tv/

Learn & Share lessons of Inner Strength during #SefiratHaOmer & the #CoronaChallenge! Includes a #LetterfromWHO & #MissionStatement

Listen to our Full Audio #EmunaPodcast – https://anchor.fm/breslevIsrael/episodes/Emuna-Is-Our-Future-With-Inner-Strength! For the future Emuna Classes we hope to have a fast professional live feed!

Email for our #EmunaTour2020 hosting online Eli.Goldsmith@Breslev.co.il!

face masks

Great Idea from The Goldsmith Family inspiring #EventMerchandising – https://www.themerchandisingshop.co.uk/shop/ & Click for the full Tutorial for the #stayathome #brandedmasks – https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Kfy_OFc7Y/
#UnifiedFitness #KeepHealthy #FaceMasks!


Sharing our Creative Flow & Focus! Face Mask 😷 Tutorial!
Listen to our #Unified #Relationship podcast: The Relationship Quarantine Focus is our Strength! Click & Share our flow – https://anchor.fm/eli-real/episodes/The-Relationship-Quarantine-Focus-is-our-Strength-ecvpoh
Turning Eventmerch.com into Face Masks that #Inspire! Appreciation to my talented soul mate, to my blessed kids, to our family and friends, to our clarity of direction to go is a gift worth thanking for! The Inner #Strength to make the boundaries, to do our personal mission, to truly assist others with where thereat, and to turn the #CoronaChallenge into a fulfillment of our #missionstatements in both our work and relationships! For your #RelationshipFlow and to contact to partner with our new #UnifiedRealRecovery Vision mentioned in our recent #Flow #Podcast (Details to come soon)!
Plz email – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com 🙂!

Daily Halachic Corner – Sefirat HaOmer! – 115 – The Corona Virus – 22 – by Rav Dayan Elgrod! Click, Learn & Share during #SefiratHaOmer – Loving and respecting others like yourself #1!
Email for #EmunaTour2020 hosting online Eli.Goldsmith@Breslev.co.il!

We welcome your generous support for all the large part of our community in Israel that finds itself on a no-pay holiday with very little ability to buy food etc for this #quarantine long time period! Please click with Rav Arush’s Blessing & partner kindly securely here – https://www.breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future.html!

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To my loyal brothers (and sisters)& companions, you and your households, and your families.
כ – Together as one, we tremble and are frightened
ל – Who’s the heart does not shudder – trembling and quakingמ – Initially we thought, the issue is far from us, [it only concerns] a number of individuals
ה – We waited for a little, we disparaged – we repudiated the information, and suddenly there are groups and groups [who are affected by the illness]
ד – Our minds started to understand that, in actuality [He] is talking to us
ע – The wealthy and the poor, the wise and the understanding, in short, all of us
ב – The Creator of the world is speaking to the ones that are close to him, who believe in Him, i.e. us
י – Loyal ‘friends,’ beloved and cherished, us, our sons and our daughters
ד – Know that My intention in the purpose of the creation of our world was for youר – See that I am He, and all matters happen from My hands
ח – Look, look, My beloved children, be honest with yourselves
מ – When did you last feel that you are the children of Hashem?
נ – It emerges from this, that in actuality, you are all brothers, and it requires that you should be loyal one to another
א – Brothers who truly feel for one another, in joys and in sorrows
ל – [Much to my] heartfelt sorrow, [it is apparent that] the increase in numbers [in Klal Yisroel] has caused the importance of each individual to become forgotten
ט – We have erred and have forgotten the importance [of one another] as we were always, always together
ב – We lacked understanding, the quantity [of people who became ill] has brought upon us terror and fear‎ע – Now is the time to become wise, to value and to love, every single Jew & Person
‎ב – Everything depends on us, and the long-awaited change [that is expected from us] will
bring the Mashiach
‎י – Hashem, the merit of the Avot Hakedoshim is upon us, and [may Mashiach] let us hear
the ‘new’ Torah from the mouth of Hashem
‎ד – May He say ‘enough’ to our hardships, until we will enter the Mikdosh of HashemEverything that the Merciful [Hashem] does, is for the best – כל מה דעביד רחמנא לטב עביד

Tolna RebbeThe day after the Yom Tov of Pessach, תהא שנת פקידה [5780], May it be a Year of Remembrance [that we may be saved] Amein veAmein. From the #TolnaRebbe Jerusalem 5780 Isru Chag Pesach Erev Shabbos Parshat Shimini 🙂 #inspired #coronavíruschallenge #poetry & link to the Tolna Rebbe’s English Shiur Erev Pesach <-!

Share our Emuna Whatsapp group link 🙂 plz! https://chat.whatsapp.com/EdWEtNUiuOS9ty3Zf7oYa8

‎Open this link to join our Unity Focused WhatsApp Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Lc5WOj4Zm9F2PrtH8mh6Vx

Join us on our #Professional #LinkedIn #EmunaFocused Company page – https://www.linkedin.com/company/breslevenglish/

Join us on our #Professional #LinkedIn #UnityFocused Company page – https://www.linkedin.com/company/unity-inspires-projects/

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Interesting to also see a bunch of Viral Tiktok videos like this one – https://vm.tiktok.com/tCLjSr/over 300000 views and 1000 hearts – great to see the light of the Tzaddik share Emuna on all our Unified platforms!!!
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Unity Inspires Booking – Artists, Creatives & Speakers – Updated!

via Unity Inspires Booking – Artists, Creatives & Speakers – Updated!

All Events & Bookings have moved to the #online #Unity Focus! Please email us your #inspired content UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com!

Chevra & Friends moving most of status & WhatsApp action to my newer phone +972533175856 welcome to send loving content there plz & good Healthy Unified Days ahead with the family & Good Shabboses too with good news only! ‎Open this link to join our #Unified WhatsApp Group<- Click here!

Join The Corona Virus 1- Daily Halachic Corner – 94 – Rav Dayan Elgrod! Our weekly #EmunaClass live feed by @eligoldsmith_inspired coming Monday 2pm approx Israel time! Click, Subscribe, Follow @breslev_english & @unityinspiresprojects , Watch & Share –

DHC Series in the name of #RavShalomArush – #CoronaVirus – This is Hashem’s doing and we must believe it is for the better good! #SocialDistancing!
Email for #EmunaTour2020 hosting Eli.Goldsmith@Breslev.co.il!

We welcome your respectful, helpful comments and feedback! Please leave a kind comment below, share on and email for our Emuna Tour 2020 with Rav Dayan Elgrod – https://www.breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future.html !
#JewishLaw #BreslevEnglish #RavDayanElgrod #DHC #onlineteachings!

Breslev Israel presents “Emuna is our Future” Tour!


Get involved in our Emuna is our Future Tour!
Details TBA – lets build this together – Click on our new Landing PAGE – breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future!

For Info & booking plz email eli.goldsmith@breslev.co.il or PM in our Whatsapp group – chat.whatsapp.com/invite as lets make this refreshingly innovative filled with #Emuna #joinnow !!!

BRESLEV.CO.IL – Emuna is our future

We are happy to introduce our new podcast (subscribe), & the first guest presenting the Uman Inn!

Please contact Aharon Dobinsky Breslev Israel for info & to sign up email – staff@breslev.co.il for a sweet Rosh Hashanah, please G-d, and the great start to the New Year with Emuna is our Future Tour!

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Big news to share for all to join our tour in October in Canada & the US, with our beloved Rav Shalom Arush – הרב שלום ארוש​ & student Rabbi Lazer Brody​ tagged “Emunah is Our Future” – Email – Eli.Goldsmith@breslev.co.il for info and to bring our tour to your town!

Image may contain: cloud and textListen on anchor.fm/breslevIsrael – Click here & Subscribe on Apple, Itunes, Google, Spotify etc! #love #soul #JOY

Enjoy another great class from Rabbi Lazer Brody, on one of the most important and popular topics – Is life after death a Jewish concept? What awaits a person after the physical life? Is the “near death experience” (NDE) something substantiated in the Talmud and Zohar?

For a tour with Rabbi Lazer Brody plz email eli.goldsmith@breslev.co.il!

#Lifeafterdeath #Emunah #Spiritual #Torah #Tour #EmunaisourFuture!

One of the great moments in #Emunah #History!

Join us on #Soundcloud & #newpodcast – anchor.fm/breslevIsrael/!

Thanks to US Army Chaplain Rabbi Jonathan Zagdanski Lieutenant Colonel for inspiring us! Listen to the full Parsha class anchor.fm/breslevIsrael/episo… & anchor.fm/breslevIsrael/episo…!
Truly making kosher our body with Emunah for our Soul. For our body to be a vessel for our soul we need to Kasher our body with the Fire of Emunah! Email Eli.goldsmith@breslev.co.il for info about making a tour with Rabbi Lazer Brody and our up and coming tour with Rav Shalom Arush #EmunaisourFuture!!
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#Emuna is Our #Future” TOUR – Enjoy a Soundcloud (click here) sample inspirational beyond words, of past Tours to listen too!
Email please for tour info Eli.Goldsmith@breslev.co.il
#love #soul #JOY anchor.fm/breslevIsrael!