Tag Archive | Gedale Fenster

United Souls – Extracts from New Book TBA – by Eli Goldsmith – Part 36 – Unity and Friendship to Victory!

Dedicated to the real lonely Souls, hostages to be returned, soldiers & defenders of Yisrael… & Souls Globally – Subscribe now – https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-8da the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls & for all those that know not yet. Have a Healthy Protected Winter all 🙂 Leave a comment

midnightrabbi_inspires A post shared by @midnightrabbi_inspires

United Souls at War – 2. End in Mind – World Bnei Akiva – Intimacy Unity Flow!

Having Friends who totally relate

Thankfully we have soul connections with people who are close to us. We bond in deep ways and build friendships that last the test of time. Recently at a wedding and other such times of reunion of the souls, the glimpse into the soul connection is most obviously profound. We bond in a real way and find moments of space within life to reconnect and catch up with those loved friends of old. Even with all the distances created by Corona we still intrinsically bond and connect. We know where we left off in our last conversation and move a step forward with an enlightened growth mindset. It says in the Ethics of our Fathers that we have to buy ourselves a friend. This demonstrates the beyond-value reality of a true friend. To bond and discuss deep parts of the soul, to be comfortable in hard times being real, to seek kindness and give kindness to those we love. We are all on this road of souls constantly touching base with all kinds of special souls, some more profoundly affecting our flow. The strong relationship that can affect our mind and heart most importantly we are healing, loving, and connecting to our soul mate in an intimate way no one else will know. This privacy of creation within a connection is one of the deepest secrets of the soul. Let’s bring this United Souls reality to the forefront of consciousness. This begins and is required by all soul-searching people and projects. We can grow and achieve our purpose. We just got to hang in when the tough gets tougher, we get going and United souls in friendship will stand eternally.

The Lit Up Unification

As we enter the time of the Festival of Lights aka Chanukah together, being a part of the 2020 generation, we have the opportunity to transform darkness into light. The Corona Challenge has brought us to deep realizations, spiritual growth, emotional healthiness, physical balance, and preparing ourselves for the Ultimate Unification. This is mentioned many times in the Torahs of the Baal Shem Tov. It’s all about bringing the inner light from the 19th of Kislev, a festival of the Chassidic Mystical Revelation, towards times of Joy aka Simcha, and our United Souls towards an Intrinsic Belief aka Emuna filled happier Lit Up life. We wish each other happy holidays, good weekends, etc and happy Chanukah, but the ultimate unification takes place from within. A place beyond space and time. The realms of the Soul, the journey of the determined search for truth no matter what. We have this calling within us all and to ignore our inner true soul voices is missing the whole point of our Creation. May we all enter this realm of soul to truly unify every aspect of our lives.

The Power of Friends to Generate Unity

During a time of essential family development, the power of friends is very literal. The power of connection is not to be underestimated. We have the love, passion, and warmth to bring about lasting changes in our relationships. We have to tune into the joy created by the mutual gatherings of soul and connection. By the openness of having the vulnerability to share real struggles in marriage, in friendships, and all we do. This allows for a real sincere strengthening in our ability to listen, learn, bond, and rejoice. We have this light of the United Soul within, however, when it manifests outside it creates a sincere Unification unique and yet necessary. We need transformation, fear will generally only hold us back, and boldness to communicate will bridge divides. Then we can manifest these inner truths in practical daily interactions, and the true mission of our soul becomes alive. We attract blessings by building vessels through peaceful approaches to all our interpersonal relationships. We do kindness and the kindness shines back at us. The world is changing towards our thoughtfulness and will. We are game changers and yet need people with other kinds of aspects of Creation to complete our daily charts. We can’t do this alone and yet somehow the moments of peace alone make space for the most creative forms of creation. The United Flow and our ability to connect with love are growing.

“Hi all, I made this poster to go into a gym that trains guys for the army… I think it would be nice to send it out to all the soldiers we know to help hide them Chizuk. Hashem should protect us all.” Charles Sakkal  @TheZeraShimshon  The weekly Class begins with the weekly Dedications & Stories of Salvations in Hebrew – Email your dedications – ZeraShimshonGlobal@gmail.com

Behold I take it upon myself – To continue the everlasting love and unity – That is present amongst my people today!

Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, And forever… by R Shlomo Katz…

Good Chodesh – חודש טוב #unitedsouls – unityinspireprojects.com

Please 🙏 Pray for Boruch Yitzchak Ben Masha going into Gaza now and all the defenders of Yisrael 🙏- Pray as sirens, mourning, and war have been all around us!!! Any way to help the community with family at war – here too needed, I’m surrounded by growing causes – we have limited food and drink, etc… and resources to give the growing enlistment… Please 🙏 & ty https://justonechesed.org/aid4israel/ or send now https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli will get to needed people directly… UnityInspireProjects.com

Follow @tinipops613 Stage your Life for Living…

Hanan Ben Ari – beyond words – 🙏 share the special video link plz –

At a special wedding after special learning, davening and Tehilim together bshem kol Yisrael Moshiach = Moshe Rabbeinu = True Humility = מי נח = Greatness of Israel Likutei Moharan 79.

Ben Shapiro hosting Rudy Rochman – From the front lines –

DM Unity 🤝 Bookings – https://unityinspireprojects.com/speakers-mentalist-creatives/

unityinspiresprojects A post shared by @unityinspiresprojects

We just got footage from Dutch TV. This is from the Yom Kippur War. Pls, send it to the whole world.

We are excited to work together. Please set up a consultancy through WhatsApp at +972505305002 or email UnityInspireProjects@gmail.com and let’s do #UnityMarketing together. https://unityinspireprojects.com/contact-our-unity-team/

unityinspiresprojects A post shared by @unityinspiresprojects

Oryahh Music – Unity Booking – Artist/Musician/Producer – New Track Collab with Nissim Black – DM https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/

#nissimblack #oryahh #unitybookings #booknow…

Moshe Gersht – The Three Conditions –

unityinspiresprojects A post shared by @unityinspiresprojects – pre-order now

Join us on the Exciting US 🇺🇸 Book Tour 25th Oct – Dec 4th… Make a #UnityBooking for your community & program – plz Email UnityInspireProjects@gmail.com or DM Eli Goldsmith – https://unityinspireprojects.com/speakers-mentalist-creatives/

#moshegersht #thethreeconditions #ustour #newbook #booknow

After #chaunkah end of December UK 🇬🇧 & Israel 🇮🇱 follow-up #booktour…

Subscribe to our new #Substack posts on #UnitedSouls Flow –

Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

United Souls

Personal Branding & #2020Vision – The Challenge for a focused 2023/4!

Unity – Inspires – Projects 🙂

Thoughts – Creative Expression – Actions 🙂

Oneness – #oneness

#unity – #inspires – #projects

#thoughts – #creative-expression – #actions

Stay Tuned… More to Come… Join the Unity Flow…

By Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings- UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Eli is hoping to visit the UK mid-winter 2023/24 – We are forced to delay Mindy’s party (our youngest daughter) due to the beyond-words unfortunate situation in Israel and globally! Click kindly here for Mindy’s appreciated Bat Mitzvah presents which with assistance she happily can choose herself – https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli ✓Message add “For Mindy’s Bat Mitzvah” as we are also collecting for the local community’s growing needs at this time of War. Share & Care now – https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli ✓ Big Hugs to all our friends Globally…

United Souls – Extracts from New Book TBA – by Eli Goldsmith – Part 33 – Universal and Truthful – The Real Crown of Inclusion!

Dedicated to the real lonely Souls… & Souls Globally – the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls & for all those that know not yet. Have a Healthy Climax to Summer all 🙂 https://open.spotify.com/episode/2G9SCFFXLQUeHYCFf381Ld?si=T9cJChpPTjyymqGD-HnlEQ

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Keeping the message Universal and Truthful

After a discussion with Nissim Black a good friend, inspirational rapper, and soulful teacher, the power of impacting the world being Universal and at some point choosing the truth over a more central position is inevitable. The key point from our United Soul focus is on the inner soul level the truth is unifying! The issue is with how to communicate the unity focus when some of the opinions and approaches have become so false-based! Wisdom is a necessary light, bringing awareness to people about truths that have been suppressed and thereby suppressed the soul-unifying level of conversation! Often in online conversations, a glimpse of a truthful message can be absorbed in the millage of an overload of information! Once again a person’s will and desire for truth will draw forth the truthful guidance needed amongst all the noise! The same within people under the layers of false agendas and beliefs there is a conscious voice of truth! The hating people wanted to destroy this voice from within and the world! To them, they sourced all the pain and destruction toward these soulful voices! Thankfully the more they tried the stronger the soul level became! The problem for the United Souls became in the communication and expression of the soul level which has confused so many! Our job is often just to be clear and clearer with the soul level! To not let the voice and presence of the soul be disgraced often by our own lack of will and determination! We have the power within and the ability to communicate with gentle authentication and dedication. If we persist we will find the right form of communication, people, and causes to collaborate with! And the haters’ voices Will only strengthen the message of the soul and truth that ultimately will unify us all!

We all need to be more real

Thanks to the Corona Challenge we have all had to reset, reevaluate, rethink, and rerun what we are doing, feeling, and thinking! Everything needed a new real plan, how to process all the changes in lifestyle, expectations that are generally never worthwhile having anyhow, and a new focus. This book and many other projects have been in response but personally, my soulmate and I had always loved and lived more simply :). In a way, we were ready for this situation and are able to choose the right way to impact this all. After the recent tragic sudden passing of Rabbi Lord Sacks the recurring message that comes through one of his key guides, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, is to not only become a leader but to empower others to become a leader. To turn the proverbial sadness and pain from the darkness of an unaware life into sincere happiness, healing, and light that clarifies real life. We have the power to transform the hardest of challenges and emotions into growth opportunities. Every moment that we are real and authentic, truthful yet balanced, loving and caring we can in our sphere of influence really make a huge difference to the lives of many and most importantly ourselves. Then there is hope…

The Crown of Inclusion

The ability to have subservience to a power beyond ourselves is the key to all forms of healing and fulfillment in this world. Crowning the king is a daily obligation for us all, not just a one-time-a-year focus like the head of the new year (Rosh Hashanah), the day of judgment for the whole of humanity. That’s the root level of crowning the King which is the inner aspect of United Souls, we all join together to form the crown of the King. This includes all our inner will, desires, and prayers together as humanity. This is the Crown of Inclusion that Unites us all on an intrinsic level. We all share this same truth as humans that our life is hanging on a delicate thread. With prayer, hope, and sincere compassion for our souls and beings we bring about a day worth living. Every day of our lives has the potential to be subservient to a higher power. The reality is that in our 2020 generation, the only way to have some peace of mind and maintain sanity is with this truth of Crowning this higher power we call the King in our daily life. The whole recovery world knows that to defeat our addictions and escapism will be with this huge determination to have a higher calling to live a life of service, not ego. Even the Queen of England and all those around her know that the service of the Crown is the purpose. We have this innate wisdom to know when to surrender. When to go and when to give in. It’s clear and it’s just a matter of us having the honesty and humility to be inclusive in our experience of United Souls. Together we reach a whole new level of elevation to be lifted as part of the Crown of the King through our awareness that ultimately this is the only way to go forward. The quicker we are fully about service the happier humanity with this clarification shall be. As we know from all mystical texts the ultimate Crowning of the King approaches. People call this the days of Mashiach. A common purpose and reign of the kingship of truth will fill the whole world. The oceans shall open and all the deepest wisdom shall pour forth. Submerging our souls in the purifying waters of love, light, and oneness. We here shall experience the true unveiling of the ancient, current, and future United Souls.

Yisrael Portnoy – Special Show – live in Jerusalem – Also, on IG @UnityInspiresProjects – For #unitybooking Unity Projects and Musicians please connect – https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/ DM – Unityinspiresprojects@gmail.com to bring more unity to our lives!

Levi Cohen ft. Yedidim Choir – Yerushalayim (Acapella) – #emunamusic #levicohen #yedidimchoir #yerushalayim – DM #unitybookings https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/ #booknow @UnityInspiresProjects

Yosef Mendelevich – Speaker/A Famous Refusnik

– https://unityinspireprojects.com/speakers-mentalist-creatives/

– Yosef will be in NJ & Chicago the month of Elul/from mid-August… (Book now…)

Moshe Gersht – Because Joy is your Nature Tour 2023 – The Month of November – Book now!!!

– 1 Million views on an awesome Ted Talk 🙂

Rudy Rochman – Touring the US October 2023, the UK November 2023 – Please reach out in advance, p.n. I also will be in the UK from September 7th onwards (Eli Goldsmith…

Moshe Reuven Chanukah 🕎 Tour – now available for booking… DM for availability – Unity Bookings #moshereuven…

Updates for Nissim Black US Tour Chanukah 🕎 Before During & After- 🕎 Update: 12/8-9 is back on the table. Also, on 12/11, 2 tristate shows that day? Also, 12/15-16 Tristate. Other open dates 12/5, 12/6, & 12/17 as well. Thank you 🙏 all from Eli G & Team plz DM – UnityInspireProjects.com

Reuven Garber is happy to receive The Wonders of Gratitude Sefer from #breslevisrael – we enjoyed his inspiring #emunaclass with us –

– a true talent for your Simchot! A sincere soul ready for some awesome wonderful #unitybookings DM – https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/ #wonders #gratitude #reuvengarber

Listen to our most recent episode of TZS podcast: The Zera Shimshon by Charles Sakkal – Parshat Pinchas – Shorts! 4 https://anchor.fm/the-zera-shimshon/episodes/The-Zera-Shimshon-by-Charles-Sakkal—Parshat-Pinchas—Shorts–4-e26la5g – The Zera Shimshon Weekly Class by Mordecai Holtz – Parshat Matot/Masei! PART 1! Join live, Click & Share on –

The Zera Shimshon by Charles Sakkal – Parshat Matot – Shorts! Part 2 – Click & Share –https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/3ozXXqdpSjQvT2OJKRCe5t

Open this link to join our #ZeraShimshon #WhatsApp #Group: ⁠https://chat.whatsapp.com/EOVAbF9DPb08p84pdDWMgP⁠ #global – Please Share on!

The specific content and format of the tour and classes may vary, but they generally cover topics such as the power of prayer, trusting in God’s plan, finding meaning in challenging times, and cultivating a positive and faithful mindset. The classes may draw from traditional Jewish teachings, personal experiences, and practical guidance on applying Emuna in everyday life. For the Rav Shalom Arush intro (Chat Gpt & Bard) we shared it on our https://www.facebook.com/breslev.english

#Tzitzit Focused Bonus Episode by #CharlesSakkal#Wear & Share! I made a deal with my nephew to give him my *Tesla* for the summer if he puts Tzitzit on every day for #thesummer. We sat and discussed what it’s about great convo… Safe travels all

We are having TZS classes in Efrat & in the US throughout the Summer…


Eliezer Goldsmith on Instagram‎: BeH Shmira Eloyna – https://www.facebook.com/reel/246161131501062 – Lets go to #victory #unitedsouls https://eligoldsmith.substack.com @unityinspiresprojects :)”‎ JULY 5, 2023 – Mazel Tov Boruch Yitzchak Goldsmith Tekes Kumta Unit 101 So Proud – Heavenly Protection all our Soldiers – https://youtube.com/shorts/VQ6divpTPmM?feature=share – Thank you Hashem, ty Masha Goldsmith ima yakarah, ty all the Mifakedim, Rabbonim, Hila, Havat Hashomer and family with friends…

Special New Episode from Rivkalah –


Subscribe to our new #Substack posts on #UnitedSouls Flow –

Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

United Souls

Personal Branding & #2020Vision – The Challenge in beginning focused 2023!

Unity – Inspires – Projects 🙂

Thoughts – Creative Expression – Actions 🙂

Oneness – #oneness

#unity – #inspires – #projects

#thoughts – #creative-expression – #actions

Stay Tuned… More to Come… Join the Unity Flow…

By Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings- UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Eli is in the UK Sept 7th-12th 2023 – Click kindly here & send Unity Inspires Projects an appreciated and needed Partnership for the transitioning rest of Summer to the New Year months 🙂 Sharing Unity Global – https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli ✓ Big Hugs to all our friends Globally…

Eli Goldsmith Inspired Flow!

Dedicated tothe real lonely Souls…& Souls Globally – the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls & for all those that know not yet. Have a Healthy Climax to Summer all 🙂https://open.spotify.com/episode/2G9SCFFXLQUeHYCFf381Ld?si=T9cJChpPTjyymqGD-HnlEQ

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Keeping the message Universal and Truthful

After a discussion with Nissim Black a good friend, inspirational rapper, and soulful teacher, the power of impacting the world being Universal and at some point choosing the truth over a more central position is inevitable. The key point from our United Soul focus is on the inner soul level the truth is unifying! The issue is with how to communicate the unity focus when some of the opinions and approaches have become so false-based! Wisdom is a necessary light, bringing awareness to people about truths that have been suppressed and thereby suppressed the soul-unifying level of conversation! Often in online conversations, a glimpse…

View original post 1,499 more words

United Souls – The Transitions of Real Souls!

United Weekly Emuna Class by Eli Goldsmith – Real Soulful Work!

Dedicated to the real lonely Souls… & Souls Globally – the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls & for all those that know not yet. Have a Healthy Climax to Summer all 🙂

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Finding the Ability to Grow with Every Challenge

We wake up every morning with the ability to transform the challenges ahead of us into tremendous opportunities for growth. We have this within us it’s just a matter of us living in the now. As my good friend Rabbi Diamond reminded me recently from Eckhart Tolle that being present is all we are being asked for and truly need. A special guest on our weekly studio Emuna class Q/A with Rav Shalom Arush also pointed out from his personal struggle with Cancer that by focusing on the now and finding the strength in all that is needed for that moment in front of us we can live more enhanced healthy lives. Letting go of trying to control is a big part of this process. Not trying to control logistics, in business, going with the flow as much as possible. Handling relationships with care and patience. To be empathetic and excited to accomplish together with a loved one at their pace and tempo. To the cry from another while resonating with that personal struggle. As a world, the Corona Challenge is still present but realizing that as with all challenges, we can find the root level and lesson. The Soul we have within regularly can guide our process and destination. Invest some time in attuning to the Soul level from there we can bring about the ultimate growing together the experience of Unification. May we be blessed to seek out an open heart, intentional mind, and soulful growth that inspires us and all we can influence. This is the growth mindset of United Souls.

The Story of Change and Transition

Learning to go with the flow of life isn’t a floaty path, but rather the journey of the soul. A matter of searching for truth within and without. Daily honestly ready to seek out the story of our life and be the part that we are destined to be. We have free choice which is our greatest gift. We choose to elevate our choice to a Unified place. The changes we go through are destined but once we are clear of our power to choose totally by being completely present we experience the reality of the full now. Seeing the truth of creation and enjoying all the wonders that we experience daily. The power of forgiveness, collaboration with special souls, transitioning more online in all our projects, and removing the blockages in our hearts. Now we are more open thanks to all the seemingly disruption of the current epidemic we can really trust in the soul level to grow more completely. The United aspect of Creation takes the strain of the choice factor as our Souls know the true path of transitions and changes. Trust in the United Flow of our Journey daily in this world. Take comfort emotionally that we are in good hands. We have the backup and support to guide us at the moment and to succeed. The rest comes from us tuning into our real journey. Tony Robbins with Sage, his wife, recently expressed beautifully how they processed this transition period due to the Corona Challenge(never again and there should be big accountability for all those who knowingly deceived us), allowing themselves to mourn the initial losses that were very difficult in the beginning months. Watching the world around us face all kinds of difficulties on all levels. And yet once processing healthily the changes with the people we love and work with, coming up with a game plan to find the gifts and blessings. Tony transitioned amazingly from his hugely attended in-person events to massive multi-screened events. Bringing his energizing events into people’s homes and in some ways coming closer to even more people than before. Real Music helping us through this increase of Mental Health issues like NF, Ren, and our Unity Booking talents. We have the path to truth and flexibility within us all. Let’s get this alive and known together so we can all experience the United Souls for real in person!

Yosef Mendelevitch – a special edition to our growing list of speakers at Unity Bookings – https://unityinspireprojects.com/speakers-mentalist-creatives/ – (b. 1947 in Riga), was a refusenik from the former Soviet Union, also known as a “Prisoner of Zion” and now a politically unaffiliated rabbi living in Jerusalem who gained fame for his adherence to Judaism and public attempts to emigrate to Israel at a time when it was against the law in the USSR. His new brand of speaking will inspire us from Refusenik to Freedom in 2023! To be our true selves – Watch here –

Special Meeting with R Yosef Mendelowitch aka #JosefMendelevitch – Unity Bookings – #yosefmendelowitch #unitybookings #freedom from #evilempire #unitedsouls… https://youtube.com/shorts/BGONDbx4D7o?feature=share Isaac & Rubenstein – Eyes Glazed Up | אייזק ורובנשטיין – ובנה ירושלים ‪

via ‪#isaacandrubenstein‬ – Let’s go #rebuildjerusalem #emunamusic ‪#unitybookings‬ <-

Israel Portnoy – Special Show – live in Jerusalem – Also, on IG @UnityInspiresProjects – For #unitybooking Unity Projects and Musicians please connect – https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/ DM – Unityinspiresprojects@gmail.com to bring more unity to our lives!

#israelportnoy #concert #jerusalem… #unitybookings

New to Unity Bookings – Erez Safar – https://unityinspireprojects.com/speakers-mentalist-creatives/ – Based out of the stereophonic heart of Los Angeles, #ErezSafar is an award-winning producer, best-selling author of Light of the Infinite, creative machine, and gallerist. Safar was grateful to be recognized as one of the world’s most influential Jews in the Forward’s annual “Forward 50” list.

His companies have graced Billboard magazine and he has been featured in publications such as NPR and the NY Times, USA Today, and the Wall Street Journal. Welcome to #unitybookings #booknow…

Yom Tov Biton’s new Track – Book UB Now – unityinspireprojects.com/musicians

Enjoy the rest of the Summer days ahead with the #zerashimshon #Whatsapp Group & #Shareon plz our link to your statuses, community & groups… ty – ⁠https://chat.whatsapp.com/EOVAbF9DPb08p84pdDWMgP⁠

Listen to our most recent Short episode of the TZS podcast: The Zera Shimshon by Charles Sakkal – Parshat Balak – Shorts! https://anchor.fm/the-zera-shimshon/episodes/The-Zera-Shimshon-by-Charles-Sakkal—Parshat-Balak—Shorts-e26becj

Breslev Book Club – The Chochom and the Tam 12 by Rav Avraham Gislason! Click & Share →

Recently we asked #Chatgpt aka #OpenAi who is Nissim Black, formerly known as Damian Jamohl Black, is an American-Israeli rapper and musician who converted to Judaism and embraced the Breslov Hasidic movement. Breslov (aka #Breslev) is a branch of Hasidic Judaism that follows the teachings and philosophy of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, emphasizing joy, prayer, and personal spiritual growth.

Nissim Black gained prominence in the music industry for his unique blend of hip-hop and Jewish religious themes. After his conversion to Judaism, he began incorporating Jewish concepts, prayers, and Hebrew verses into his music, delivering a message of faith, inspiration, and personal transformation.

His music often reflects his personal journey, addressing themes such as spiritual awakening, embracing Jewish identity, and finding purpose in life. Nissim Black’s songs have resonated with audiences from various backgrounds, including both Jewish and non-Jewish listeners.

#NissimBlack’s story and music have garnered significant attention and praise within the Jewish community and beyond, with his message of faith and positive transformation resonating with many. He continues to create music, perform, and inspire others through his unique fusion of hip-hop and Jewish spirituality – from

https://chat.openai.com/ – your real feedback & booking interests are appreciated DM Eliezer Goldsmith or Email Unity Bookings – UnityInspireProjects@gmail.com

Honoring the Rebbe for Gimmel Tamuz Yahrzeit we asked Chat Gpt Open.Ai who is “The Chabad Rebbe, also known as the Lubavitcher Rebbe, was a prominent spiritual leader and the driving force behind the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. His name was Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, and he served as the seventh and last Rebbe of Chabad from 1950 until his passing in 1994.

Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson was born on April 18, 1902, in Nikolaev, Ukraine, and was the son-in-law of the previous Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn. Upon the passing of his father-in-law in 1950, he assumed the leadership of Chabad and became known as the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

The Rebbe revitalized and expanded the Chabad movement, transforming it into a global organization with thousands of emissaries and outreach centers worldwide. He emphasized the importance of reaching out to Jews everywhere, regardless of their level of observance, and encouraged the performance of mitzvot (commandments) and the study of the Torah.

Recently, we asked Bard from Google who is “The Chabad-Lubavitch Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, was the seventh and last leader of the Chabad Hasidic movement. He was born in Nikolayev, Russia, in 1902, and he assumed leadership of the movement in 1950, following the death of his father-in-law, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn. Opens in a new window Wikipedia Chabad Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson The Rebbe was a prolific writer and speaker, and he is credited with revitalizing the Chabad movement and spreading its teachings throughout the world. He was also a strong advocate for Jewish education and outreach, and he founded many educational and social service organizations.

The Rebbe died in 1994, and his followers believe that he will one day return as the Messiah. His legacy continues to inspire and motivate people around the world. Here are some of Rebbe’s most notable accomplishments: He founded or revitalized over 3,500 Chabad-Lubavitch institutions around the world, including schools, synagogues, and community centers. He inspired the creation of the Chabad-Lubavitch Youth Organization, which has over 200,000 members worldwide. He led the movement’s outreach efforts to Jews of all backgrounds, including secular Jews, intermarried Jews, and those who had no prior connection to Judaism. He wrote over 4,000 books and articles on a wide range of topics, including Torah, Talmud, Kabbalah, and Jewish philosophy. The Rebbe’s teachings are based on the principles of Chabad Hasidism, which emphasize the importance of joy, love, and compassion in Jewish life. He taught that every person has the potential to connect with God and that everyone can make a difference in the world. The Rebbe’s legacy is a lasting one. He inspired and motivated millions of people around the world, and his teachings continue to be studied and applied by people of all faiths. This is from https://bard.google.com/ which does contain a disclaimer – #Bard may display inaccurate or offensive information that doesn’t represent #Google’s views. Yep, it is more incorrect than #ChatGpt #openai with this request #thechabadrebbe #gimmeltamuz – also, be careful with any scam false versions – we say #letsdo and go forward bringing A Tzaddick’s World View Global…

Chatgpt -Eli Goldsmith Emuna Tour & Classes refers to an initiative or program led by Eli Goldsmith that focuses on teaching & promoting the concept of Emuna (faith) within the Jewish community. Emuna, often spelled Emunah, is a fundamental principle in Judaism that emphasizes trust and belief in God’s providence and guidance.

The Emuna Tour led by Eli Goldsmith typically involves traveling to different locations to deliver lectures, workshops, and classes on various aspects of Emuna. These sessions aim to inspire and guide individuals in developing a stronger connection to their faith and a deeper understanding of the principles of Emuna.

The specific content and format of the tour and classes may vary, but they generally cover topics such as the power of prayer, trusting in God’s plan, finding meaning in challenging times, and cultivating a positive and faithful mindset. The classes may draw from traditional Jewish teachings, personal experiences, and practical guidance on applying Emuna in everyday life. For the Rav Shalom Arush intro (Chat Gpt & Bard) we shared it on our https://www.facebook.com/breslev.english

#Tzitzit Focused Bonus Episode by #CharlesSakkal#Wear & Share! I made a deal with my nephew to give him my *Tesla* for the summer if he puts Tzitzit on every day for #thesummer. We sat and discussed what it’s about great convo… Safe travels all

We are having TZS classes in Efrat & in the US throughout the Summer…

So Proud of my soulmate Masha Goldshmit on her Mada Shift weekly (Magen Dovid Adom ambulance 🚑 service saving lives)

Special New Episode from Rivkalah –

Subscribe to our new #Substack posts on #UnitedSouls Flow –

Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

United Souls

Personal Branding & #2020Vision – The Challenge in beginning focused 2023!

Unity – Inspires – Projects 🙂

Thoughts – Creative Expression – Actions 🙂

Oneness – #oneness

#unity – #inspires – #projects

#thoughts – #creative-expression – #actions

Stay Tuned… More to Come… Join the Unity Flow…

By Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings- UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Eli is in the UK July 6th -11th 2023 – Click kindly here & send Unity Inspires Projects an appreciated and needed Partnership for the transitioning Summer preps to the New Year months 🙂 Sharing Unity Global – https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli ✓ Big Hugs to all our friends Globally…

Eli Goldsmith Inspired Flow!

United Weekly Emuna Class by Eli Goldsmith – Real Soulful Work!

Dedicated tothe real lonely Souls…& Souls Globally – the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls & for all those that know not yet. Have a Healthy Climax to Summer all 🙂

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Finding the Ability to Grow with Every Challenge

We wake up every morning with the ability to transform the challenges ahead of us into tremendous opportunities for growth. We have this within us it’s just a matter of us living in the now. As my good friend Rabbi Diamond reminded me recently from Eckhart Tolle that being present is all we are being asked for and truly need. A special guest on our weekly studio Emuna class Q/A with Rav Shalom Arush also pointed out from his personal struggle with Cancer that by focusing on the now and finding the…

View original post 2,037 more words

The Last Emuna Dance is the most Appreciated!


Check out How Still In 2023 there is the ability to have #Renewal of #Soulful #Values in our #Relationships! This will be #Real lasting #Foundation for any home! Stay tuned for part 2 with my soulmate BEH – All the main links here United Souls Latest Extract – Subscribe now – https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-a0b?sd=pf #unification #unitedsouls #newbook #eligoldsmith @tinipops613 #soulmate #subscribenow Share your #Relationshipflow – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com


Check out How Still In 2023 there is the ability to have #Renewal of #Soulful #Values in our #Relationships! This will be #Real lasting #Foundation for any home! Stay tuned for part 2 with my soulmate BEH – All the main links here United Souls Latest Extract – Subscribe now – https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-a0b?sd=pf #unification #unitedsouls #newbook #eligoldsmith @tinipops613 #soulmate #subscribenow Share your #Relationshipflow – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com


United Souls – Extracts from New Book TBA – by Eli Goldsmith (thank you beyond words for all your years of dedication) – Part 30 – The Unification Flow!

Get #Antisoulism Trending Please! https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-a0b

ELI GOLDSMITH MAY 18, 2023 – Dedicated to the #Deefamily… all Souls Globally – the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls and for all those that know not yet. 🙂 Good Yom Tov all 🙂 Leave a comment

Preparing for Unification!

In our Relationships, we have to prepare for these special moments of unification. We have to understand the flow that exists in times, times on, and times off, disconnect to reconnect! In marriage, we see this most profoundly and practically too! We have times of intimacy and times of friendship! We are always connected as soulmates. Sometimes physically in this world, we need boundaries in order to Unify at the right time, place, and intention. Preparation is the key, to being focused and available for the relationship on an emotional level. To prepare one’s schedule so the night of connection is a priority. To be kind, caring, and compassionate is the mindset that leads to unified intimacy. And spiritually to pray, meditate and learn about the oneness of the connection in Creation between two halves manifesting this oneness on all levels. The guidance here is that every aspect of life can daily tune us into the sometimes revealed aspect of United Souls.

“There are crucial issues to which the Torah devotes only an allusion, yet the story of finding a bride for Isaac consumes an entire chapter. Because this truly is the theme of all of Torah: The union of male and female energies, so that the world can operate in harmony. The union of heaven with earth. Of soul with the body. Of your spiritual life with your business life. Of light and darkness. Of the Creator and His creation. There really is nothing else. And it all begins with harmony between husband and wife.”

Sefer Hasichot 5751 vol. 1, pg. 95ff.

United at Last!

I’m a big fan of Football growing up, especially Tottenham Hotspur and the English Football team. In fact, I had the merit to be at the last ever standing game at White Hart Lane was beyond words. The power of a football game all United in the quest for success over the other team. Or even more powerfully attending in the Royal Box Live Aid or the Freddie Mercury Tribute etc with thousands upon thousands experiencing the Unity of singing together “We will we will rock you”, “All we need is Radio Gaga”, “We are the Champions” and more… and many other such huge global events. And yet here we are nearing the end of 2020 and no such global events are possible in person. I had personally dreamed and hoped we would be making a Live Aid Unity Focused Event this past Summer. As the lockdowns began and the world plunged into social distancing or preferred choice of words, physical distancing my dream needed a pivot (lol hate this overused word) or transition step. My father shifted my mindset to gather all the talented artists I book for and have begun to book for and make a Collaboration Album. We called this Special Album United Souls #1 and many of the sincere artists with friends donated a track. I couldn’t yet get the involvement of some of the famous Artists I worked with, yet begun my hope for the beginning of many United Souls Collab albums and United Souls projects. The United Souls book we are reading here was inspired by the global Zoom communities begun by my good friend Jeff Pulver and his sister Lauren Pulver. A very special Community was created on Zoom to inspire us all to transform 2020 challenges into growth, happiness, and unity. Our Passions and musical focus have been the key to unity, this was generally the focus of the conversation and that’s where this book begins. I found my desire to write and express my voice of United Souls hearing amongst other souls their quest for fulfilling their unique passion and mission. With the Collab album in development, my brothers Jeremy and Paul at EventMerchandising.com by Dean kindly donated our United Souls logo and some beginning marketing from Indigo Rocks from growmarketingagency.com. All the kindness boosted my desire to unite and mutual understanding with development from in-person events to online communication and such projects, which has allowed a unique form of experiencing the United Souls reality. Our Unity Bookings have mostly switched to being online with all our usual global tours being done by pre-recorded or live Zoom Concerts and Interviews. My yearly Emuna tour to North America and Central America has switched to a gradual online Emuna Tour with weekly classes and communities hosting online meetings and Zoom, YouTube, Facebook, and IGTV live Unity-focused classes. The ability to have developed a high-functioning studio 5 mins walking distance from my home has assisted greatly especially as we opened just as the Corona Challenge began. We have had many talented special guests who managed to make it through this challenging time, and yet even when our main translator was in Quarantine someone was able to kindly fill in for those 2 weeks. Already before this, I have been hosting 3 podcasts recorded mostly through phones, and the anchor app for easy flows with posting has encouraged much online Unity Focused content. The blessings despite the challenges are obvious, outstanding, and beyond words. Personally, a lot of past stories have been resolved during this time period giving an opportunity to do kindness and have potentially more peace of mind. There is much to be grateful for and having these special moments each night to write another page of United Souls is included. I can’t wait to share this in writing and in person. The light of United Souls at last.

New Track & Video from Isaac & Rubenstein – Adon Olam | אייזק ורובנשטיין – אדון עולם –

DM Unity Bookings – https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/ #adonolam #Isaac&Rubenstein #IandR #Band #UnityBookings 🙂

Going live weekly BeH – The Zera Shimshon Official Weekly Class By Charles Sakkal – Megilat Rut – Parshat Bamidbar Part 1 – Chag of Torah! Join, Click & Share the above & below Video links – The Zera Shimshon Official Weekly Class By Charles Sakkal – part 1! Join part 2, Send us names, Please Subscribe & Share @TheZeraShimshon

Parshat Bamidbar – Megilat Rut – Preparing for the Chag of Torah #Shavuot #Yeshuot & #blessings…

‎Open this link to join #TheZeraShimshon WhatsApp Group please share on: https://chat.whatsapp.com/EOVAbF9DPb08p84pdDWMgP #thankyou Eli Goldsmith!

Happy 😃 Yom Yerushalayim – Realizing we need to unlock the gates of Jerusalem through unified tearful prayers is one way… another is the power of the Holy Torah – the Holy Torah will emanate from the hearts that are filled with the wise guiding words of learning books like the Garden of Wisdom… Also, on our Brelsev.com site we host many other important Sefarim that help bring #yeshuot for all that learn it – check out The Zera Shimshon – https://breslev.com/product/zera-shimshon-eishes-chayil/ in English & with life-changing power to open up all the gates of our personal and complete redemption! #zerashimshon #thegardenofwisdom #YomYerushalayim

Rav Yaakov Meir Shechter receiving the Zera Shimshon – Click here – special Sefarim from Rav Yisrael Zilberberg – For Info & Dedications Email ZeraShimshonGlobal@gmail.com Join us @TheZeraShimshon – #connect #thezerashimshon #dedication

Great Real Unity Flow from Westside Gravy – HOMELAND –

DM Unity Bookings – https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/ #WestsideGravy #HOMELAND #unitybookings​ #standwithus

You are not alone – Moshe Reuven – Official YouTube Video release – Check it out –

#moshereuven #youarenotalone #newvideo #billboard DM eli@moshereuven.com – #booknow #unitybookings – https://moshereuven.com/moshe-s-booking-agent-eli-goldsmith congrats to Moshe Reuven Sheradsky for already reaching 100000 views on his first video release… #unitymusic #emunaglobal #unityflow

Moshe Reuven new Track – #holdingupmyhands – #moshereuven #newtrack #unitybookings

Check out & Share Some New Unity Bookings Shorts of Recent Bookings!

Yep 👍 A Special night #lifted flow @nissimofficial in #Vienna – visits @chabadoncampus – thank you sincerely to our main hosts this long special weekend – https://www.instagram.com/reel/CsM05p3PB2N/?igshid=ZWQyN2ExYTkwZQ== Also @DJHudacris rocking his way to join Nissim Black – only Simchot & enjoy 😊 the #Nbteam DM #UnityBookings – UnityInspireProjects.com – #nissimblack #chabadoncampus #cyp #vienna #chai #touring with #djhudcaris


Happy Lag Bomer event with #YosefKarduner & @rabbishlomokatz – From @shiratdavid…Efrat… ty Hashem… holy of holies #kodeshkodashim Lkovod Rashbi!

By Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings- UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Click kindly here & send Unity Inspires Projects an appreciated and needed Partnership for the transition Summer months 🙂 Sharing Unity Global – https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli ✓ Big Hugs to all our friends Globally… Been a big Merit working and sharing Emuna together!


Great Emuna Music – check out @YomTovBitonOfficial first video –

DM @EliUnityGoldsmith for אני שר כל היום – יום טוב ביטון – I sing all day – Yom Tov Biton –

Produced by Mikey Mocton aka DJ Keyton – Booking now – Unity Bookings – DM – https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/ #yomtovbiton #isingallday #mikeymocton #djkeyton #unitybooking


Marriage & Divorce with Gary Neuman & Gedale Fenster! Click & Share –

Gedale Fenster Interviews Gary Neuman, who is a psychotherapist, and author of seven books on marriage, divorce, and child psychology.

#GaryNeuman is a rabbi, licensed family counselor, Florida Supreme Court-certified family mediator, and founder of the Sandcastles Program Inc., a nationwide divorce therapy program for children…


Excited to announce that we have a returning Special Guest Dr. Benjamin Klempner – “Vibrational Healing” Part 2 – joining our Weekly Emuna Class on Practical Spiritual Mastery Part 3 by @EliUnityGoldsmith – Emunalive.com Time & Date TBA TBC

Subscribe to our new #Substack posts on #UnitedSouls Flow –

Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

United Souls

Personal Branding & #2020Vision – The Challenge in beginning focused 2023!

Unity – Inspires – Projects 🙂

Thoughts – Creative Expression – Actions 🙂

Oneness – #oneness

#unity – #inspires – #projects

#thoughts – #creative-expression – #actions

Stay Tuned… More to Come… Join the Unity Flow…

By Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings- UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Click kindly here & send Unity Inspires Projects an appreciated and needed Partnership for the transition Summer months 🙂 Sharing Unity Global – https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli ✓ Big Hugs to all our friends Globally… Been a big Merit working and sharing Emuna together!

Breslev Israel Podcast

Emuna Podasts are Eternal Lessons where the Flow and Dance never ends… #shareglobal…

United Souls – Extracts from New Book TBA – by Eli Goldsmith (thank you beyond words for all your years of dedication) – Part 30 – The Unification Flow!

Get #Antisoulism Trending Please! https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-a0b

ELI GOLDSMITH MAY 18, 2023 – Dedicated to the #Deefamily… all Souls Globally – the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls and for all those that know not yet. 🙂 Good Yom Tov all 🙂Leave a comment

Preparing for Unification!

In our Relationships, we have to prepare for these special moments of unification. We have to understand the flow that exists in times, times on, and times off, disconnect to reconnect! In marriage, we see this most profoundly and practically too! We have times of intimacy and times of friendship! We are always connected as soulmates…

View original post 1,570 more words

United Souls Weekly Emuna Classes by Eli Goldsmith hosted By Rav Shalom Arush – Sefirah Days to Shavuot – Weeks of Unity Focus!

Dedicated to the #Deefamily… all Souls Globally – https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/ the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls and for all those that know not yet. 🙂 https://fb.watch/j_bjFX19qc/ Dedicated with Rav @ShlomoKatz and @shiratdavid – prayers joining with Zayit Ranan to the elevation to Leah (Lucy BDH) Dee’s and two beautiful daughters’ souls… Check out @aviabelow for needed content from #RabbiLeoDee (cover video Pic Thank you for the special photo  @TheAustralianJewishNews ) the #Deefamily…  Join the #unity #emunaclass #flow & Partner here – https://www.breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future.html Cover pic @jewish.giant Emuna Tour 2022 – 2023 TBA #focus on the #soul… Leave a comment ty @goldsmitheli

The Struggle of the Soul to go ahead

Even when life can be intense we have to find a way to go ahead. The Struggle of the Soul is so much more challenging than we imagined or hoped. The question is when is enough? With stubborn determination, we got to do what we got to do. Life is very intense and requires us to look deeper in all ways. By seeking out the truth in every situation we can actualize our soul flow. We have the inner strength to do this no matter what the obstacle. Our intrinsic core belief is known in the holy ancient tongue as EMUNA is the source of our strength to never give up. We shall go ahead in every situation working to improve ourselves, redefining our focus, giving us the self-encouragement needed, and creating a fresh mindset and approach to transform our lives. The voices of those who try to suppress us exist daily saying what we are doing is nothing and empty. However, we know the measuring stick isn’t in someone else’s hand or bank account, it’s the truth of our mission guiding us. The inner core of United Souls fuels us onward.

United Souls for a Divisive Generation

We have never lived in such a potentially divisive generation, with a clear potential to globalize at the same time in the most unified individually expressed way. The recent Corona Challenge (written during) has brought already a growing online world to the next level of online focus and screen time consumption. We have the power to learn together how to harness the opportunity of networking with Soul, posting with Unity, and learning how to actively build projects that make the World and this Generation come together with mutual respect. Then transitioning to be more present off the screen with our loved ones, businesses, and daily life. We can develop together and collaborate with our current tools to make this the most United Generation.

The Journey Within Reveals Deep Secrets of the Soul

We are all given a deep opportunity to understand the secrets of creation! The power of technology is speeding up as is the power of imagination. To harness these tools will be for naught if not sourcing all these gifts of our Creator from the inner aspect of all of Creation. The Soul Level gives everything purpose and dimension. We have to allow ourselves to unify through deep contemplation while at the same time fulfilling all our obligations! A delicate balance is found through body and soul! The distance of heart to mind is bridged through emotional and musical uplifting inspiring connection! Once a person has delved into the inner chambers of their being the profound truths of Creation are manifesting from every reality! We have the power then to break all the false imaginations of daily life, mostly created by the money and power-hungry media-political culture! The light and clarity of the truth of Creation is our destination and our starting point! We walk the path of United Souls together with all the generations of souls and this manifests through to everyone we love! Let’s pray, be kind, and focus on the truth that the revelation of our spiritualized being is fulfilled! Thereby, the Creation around us becomes spiritualized, we no longer suffer from fear, anxiety, jealousy, desires, and arrogance! We take this huge step forward on our journey knowing that we are being nourished and loved with deep ropes of love! These are the ideals we strive for and continue to grow together with! And having an open heart of understanding on all levels that everything is ultimately unified and one!

Join the #moshiach #emunaclass #flow & Partner here – https://www.breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future.html on #Pesach2023 #mashiachnow… by  @EliUnityGoldsmith @BreslevEnglish

Yeshuot & Dedications learning The Zera Shimshon – By Charles Sakkal – in EFRAT!

Yeshuot and #dedications learning #TheZeraShimshon – Join Weekly The Zera Shimshon By #CharlesSakkal – Parshat #Shimini! #Silence & #Yeshuot Subscribe now – ⁠https://youtube.com/@TheZeraShimshon⁠ Thousands have already seen ‘Yeshuot’ learning & sharing global Rabbi Shimshon Chaim Nachmani’s book. To Join Share Links & for Info plz Email – ⁠ZeraShimshonGlobal@gmail.com⁠ The Zera Shimshon Spotify –

The IG Zera Shimshon Live – ⁠thezerashimshon A post shared by Zera Shimshon @unityinspiresprojects (@thezerashimshon) ⁠The Zera Shimshon Twitter – ⁠https://twitter.com/TheZeraShimshon⁠ – The Zera Shimshon Facebook – ⁠https://www.facebook.com/TheZeraShimshon⁠ – The TikTok Zera Shimshon – ⁠https://www.tiktok.com/@thezerashimshon⁠ – The Zera Shimshon Podcast – https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-zera-shimshon #yeshuot #zerashimshon #weeklyclasses

Click – for Unity Bookings – Musicians – Artists For #UnityBookings & #UnitedSouls Projects – Unity Bookings New Site in Development – https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/ – https://unityinspireprojects.com/speakers-mentalist-creatives/ – The #UnityBookings site as part of @unityinspiresprojects – Reaching out to get these discounted available Tour dates for Nissim Black confirmed asap… -05/08, 05/10, 05/12-13, 05/29, 05/30. DM Unity Bookings

So important to give new talent new opportunities together – check out DJ Nayz (Noam Zuroff) – unityinspiresprojects A post shared by Eli Pmusic (@unityinspiresprojects)

Rav Dayan Elgrod

Meet Rabbi Dayan Elgrod shlita, the Learning Partner & English translator for Rabbi Shalom Arush shlita.
Rabbi Elchanan Shalom Elgrod Shlit”a is the Posek (Rabbi of the highest caliber who determines Jewish law) and Dayan (Judge in Bet Din – a Jewish court which rules according to Jewish law) for the Chut shel Chessed community.

He was accredited for Rabbanut and Dayanut (becoming a Rabbi and Judge) by the Rishon LeTzion, the Gaon Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu Zt”l. He joined a short list of some of the greatest Rabbis of all time when he began serving the Jewish community as a Dayan before the age of 30. He is one of the few poskim of all time certified to determine Jewish law for both Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jewry.

Rabbi Elgrod was also very close to the Great Mashgiach Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe Zt”l and was part of a small private group that learned Torah and hashkafa (Jewish world-view) from Rabbi Wolbe himself. His additional Rabbis include the Gaon Rabbi Asher Weiss Shlit”a, the Rishon Le’Tzion the Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron Shlit”a and the Gaon Rabbi Akiva Wozner Shlit”a.

More than 14 years ago at the age of 31, he became close to the Tzaddik Rabbi Shalom Arush Shlit”a, whom today he defines as his Rabbi and spiritual mentor. Rabbi Arush appointed him as Rosh Kollel of the Rabbinical smicha program to train young Rabbis, the Mashgiach Ruchani (Spiritual Director) of the Yeshiva, and the Dayan and Posek of the Chut Shel Chessed community in Jerusalem. He also sits on the Rabbinical guidance committee for the Chut shel Chessed school system and was the Rosh Kollel of the English program at Chut shel Chessed when it was running.

In addition to his work in the Chut Shel Chessed Institutions, Rabbi Elgrod serves as a Dayan in the Beth Din Mishpat V’Chessed, in the Beth Din for monetary matters in the city of Kiryat Ekron, in the High Beth Din for monetary matters at Chukat Mishpat and was recently appointed to be the Head Dayan for Hamerkaz Leborerut Shalom v’Emet by the Hidabrut Organization.

Rabbi Elgrod gives shiurim all over Israel and around the world in Jewish law, Hashkafa and Emuna.

He is also fluent in English from his youth and has already been translating Rabbi Arush live at his lectures in South Africa for many years. He also has a number of English lessons in Jewish law on Breslev Israel VOD.

Rabbi Elgrod B’H” will be translating Rabbi Arush’s lectures live yearly in Uman Rosh Hashanah. He has been joining the “Emuna is our Future” Tour as well, translating Rabbi Arush live at a number of events and 1000s of important meetings.

The English-speaking world is blessed to have such a spiritual giant who speaks English. I personally have benefited greatly from his advice and guidance in my years since joining the community, both in terms of Jewish law and hashkafa. On behalf of the entire staff of Breslev Israel, we thank Rabbi Elgrod for the investment of his precious time in order to translate and teach in English, and we hope you enjoy and benefit from his truly incredible lessons! Book him now to join your wonderful community for a Shabbaton and valuable classes. Book Now

Click for Unity Bookings – Speakers & Mentalist unityinspiresprojects A post shared by Eli Pmusic (@unityinspiresprojects) Happy 😃 to have been featured on the Speaker Central site – http://speakercentral.org/speaker.asp?speakerID=1285eligoldsmith_inspired

New Podcast Flows Below TBA…

Relationship Flow featuring my soulmate @tinipops

The Video Versions of our Emuna Podcast on Spotify!

Unity Flow Podcast Episode – Enjoy & Share on IG etc…

Subscribe to our new #Substack posts on #UnitedSouls Flow –

Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow LetterUnited Souls

Personal Branding & #2020Vision – The Challenge in beginning focused 2023!

Unity – Inspires – Projects 🙂

Thoughts – Creative Expression – Actions 🙂

Oneness – #oneness

#unity – #inspires – #projects

#thoughts – #creative-expression – #actions

Stay Tuned… More to Come… Join the Unity Flow…

By Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings- UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

How To Attract Better Things in Our Lives by Gedale Fenster – LA Class – Day 1! BreslevPower #singlelife #RebbeNachman! For Sponsorships Regarding Breslev Power Classes Please Send A WhatsApp Message To (305)290-1492 for sponsoring here please email eli.goldsmith@breslev.co.il or https://www.breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future.html -#tyhashem! Sponsors to Gedale’s Team and causes posted on the video for this class: Thank you to all our past anonymous donors – Also for Gedale and Elisea to continue to spread light to the Jewish people! Dedicated to Gedale’s son’s elevation of his pure soul – Yerachmiel Doniel Ben Gedale. 🙂

From One Day – To Day One by Gedale Fenster – LA Class – Day 2! Click & Share – — Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/breslevisrael/support

Breslev Israel Podcast

Dedicated to the #Deefamily… all Souls Globally – https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls and for all those that know not yet. 🙂https://fb.watch/j_bjFX19qc/ Dedicated with Rav @ShlomoKatz and @shiratdavid – prayers joining with Zayit Ranan to the elevation to Leah (Lucy BDH) Dee’s and two beautiful daughters’ souls… Check out @aviabelow for needed content from #RabbiLeoDee (cover video Pic Thank you for the special photo  @TheAustralianJewishNews ) the #Deefamily…  Join the #unity #emunaclass #flow & Partner here – https://www.breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future.html Cover pic @jewish.giant Emuna Tour 2022 – 2023 TBA #focus on the #soul… Leave a comment ty @goldsmitheli

The Struggle of the Soul to go ahead

Even when life can be intense we have to find a way to go ahead. The Struggle of the Soul is so much more challenging than we imagined or hoped. The question is when is enough? With stubborn determination, we…

View original post 1,595 more words

The Middle Ground Live | Episode 1 | @ Relationship Flow Podcast Eli & Masha Goldsmith


Summary – The Middle Ground Live | Episode 1 | @RelationshipFlow Podcast – Click & Share the Personal Version Click & Share our #UnityFlow #Podcast Version – https://open.spotify.com/episode/3IOQzaVDJvvr8EFTjoqJA9?si=zPvxBIYRSIeL7nJEVrGs9A – WELCOME TO THE MIDDLE GROUND! Join us and @relationshipflowpodcast for a discussion around relationships, marriage, and partnership. Eli and Masha Goldsmith join Glenn to discuss their journey and how the principles of THE MIDDLE GROUND relate to their love story! ——————————————————————– Buy The Middle Ground book on Amazon:

#relationshipflowpodcast #unitypodcast #eligoldsmith #mashagoldsmith #glennsandifer #relationships #dating #relationshipspodcast #relationshipcoaching #relationshiptalks #therelationshiparchitect #themiddlegroundbook #middlegroundbook #themiddleground #relationshipchallenges #Nashville #NashvilleTN

Last week’s Official Website versions – https://breslev.com/video/emuna-is-our-future-with-real-peaceful-pesach-preps-rabbi-eli-goldsmith/ Also, Check out a new needed podcast, Talk It Out…, on Spotify – https://open.spotify.com/show/1WI37vLKdB1ew9NhPZGHCr – Subscribe & Share – Rivkala – https://www.youtube.com/@rivkala

For #UnityBookings Raphael Benizri & Co – #UnitedSouls Projects – please email – Unityinspiresprojects@gmail.com to bring more unity to our lives – Unity Bookings New Site in Development – https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/https://unityinspireprojects.com/speakers-mentalist-creatives/ – Book Now!

The Middle Ground Live | Episode 1 | @RelationshipFlow Podcast – Click & Share the Personal Version – – WELCOME TO THE MIDDLE GROUND! Share the principles of THE  @themiddlegroundbook related to their love story! Also, Click & Share our #UnityFlow #Podcast Version – https://open.spotify.com/episode/3IOQzaVDJvvr8EFTjoqJA9?si=zPvxBIYRSIeL7nJEVrGs9A

United Souls – Extracts from New Book TBA – by  @GoldsmithEli – Part 28 – Dealing with Tragedy Soulfully – Preps to not Passover! https://open.substack.com/pub/eligoldsmith/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-5b7?r=oyu71&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web – Share your #unityflow #unityinspiresprojects – UnityInspireProjects.com

— Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/eli-real/support

Relationship Flow!


Summary – The Middle Ground Live | Episode 1 | @RelationshipFlow Podcast – Click & Share the Personal Version Click & Share our #UnityFlow #Podcast Version – https://open.spotify.com/episode/3IOQzaVDJvvr8EFTjoqJA9?si=zPvxBIYRSIeL7nJEVrGs9A – WELCOME TO THE MIDDLE GROUND! Join us and @relationshipflowpodcast for a discussion around relationships, marriage, and partnership. Eli and Masha Goldsmith join Glenn to discuss their journey and how the principles of THE MIDDLE GROUND relate to their love story! ——————————————————————– Buy The Middle Ground book on Amazon:

#relationshipflowpodcast #unitypodcast #eligoldsmith #mashagoldsmith #glennsandifer #relationships #dating #relationshipspodcast #relationshipcoaching #relationshiptalks #therelationshiparchitect #themiddlegroundbook #middlegroundbook #themiddleground #relationshipchallenges #Nashville #NashvilleTN

Last week’s Official Website versions – https://breslev.com/video/emuna-is-our-future-with-real-peaceful-pesach-preps-rabbi-eli-goldsmith/ Also, Check out a new needed podcast, Talk It Out…, on Spotify – https://open.spotify.com/show/1WI37vLKdB1ew9NhPZGHCr – Subscribe & Share – Rivkala – https://www.youtube.com/@rivkala

For #UnityBookings Raphael Benizri & Co – #UnitedSouls Projects – please email – Unityinspiresprojects@gmail.com to bring more unity to our lives – Unity Bookings New…

View original post 93 more words

Emuna Tour & Weekly Q&A Classes – Rav Shalom Arush translated @ Rav Shlomo Katz & Rav Dayan Elgrod – United Souls in Challenged Times!


Thank you for hosting @ShlomoKatz #shiratdavid – #RavShalomArush & Emuna Team @BreslevEnglish excited to have joined you all… #unitybookings the official version Emuna Podcast Version – https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/eVOD9HE3qxb @EliUnityGoldsmith IG Version – https://www.instagram.com/tv/Cop8zKhjAR8/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Now is the time to build towards our #Future with Emuna is our Future 2023! https://www.breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future.html We need your interest and partnership to make this #EmunaTour 2023, even more, #inspiring, #meaningful, #innovative, and #unified than past Tours! Email eli.goldsmith@breslev.co.il with your community hosting and partnership request! #EmunaisourFuture #EmunaTour #Booknow #Partnernow #SpecialGuestsTBA #Come #Unity = #community!

Summary Emuna Weekly Q&A Class – Rav Shalom Arush translated @ Rav Dayan Elgrod – Emuna in Challenged Times! Click & Share – – Answering questions on the current challenging times and how we can find comfort with guidance in United Souls etc… praying for all, sharing Emuna Global specifically the Garden of Purity with the climax of #shovavim, etc… The Rav wants us to share this book – https://breslev.com/product/the-garden-of-purity-for-men-only/ The Weekly live English Emuna Class by #RavShalomArush: “Q & A with #RavDayanElgrod” – “#thesantification” Listen here for the Audios – https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/GMJHUxxAhwb This BH will be about weekly topics and one can send questions that will be answered IY”H during the Emuna Class – Email Eli.Goldsmith@Breslev.co.il. Partner here – https://www.breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future.html @midnightrabbi Join our EMUNA WhatsApp Group Channel 2 – https://chat.whatsapp.com/G0MKECzqq0Q1Ctq9ViCcia Please contact @breslevenglish – Direct @EliGoldsmith_inspired for updates and Emunalive Tour 2023 – Eli.Goldsmith@Breslev.Co.il

United Souls – Extracts from New Book TBA – by  @GoldsmithEli  – Part 27 – Using our Talents & Sharing the United Flow! https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-d19?sd=pf – SUBSCRIBE & Share your #unityflow!

Everyone has their own unique journey and ability to shine. We are all walking around this world with so much depth and potential just we underestimate our ability to perform and get much more accomplished. In the end, to understand on the soul level we have almost endless ideals and abilities. We can transform the whole world with the expansive light of the soul much like one of our ancestors whose light and love of Our Creator filled the whole world. Together with his soulmate, our ancestor was an eternal chariot of kindness and love with the legacy of our whole human history. His descendants are more plentiful than the stars. Making the purpose of everything in Creation, bringing out the oneness in all the Universe. And yet in our generation, we are made to feel we lack so much, physically, emotionally, and financially. Even spiritually the message is there is so much more holiness way beyond our existing wisdom with understanding, we begin to feel how much we lack spiritually too. This isn’t in a motivational way towards growth but rather an experience of the seeming nothingness of creation. This is that moment when a person wants to give up and yet we can transform that feeling of hopelessness by going forward no matter what. Then we tap into an even greater level of ourselves as from that feeling of emptiness, our true talents and skills come into focus. Usually, the struggle draws out the greatest strengths hidden within. We all can face our fears and concerns with a soulful determination to shine. To light up those difficult moments with values of kindness. To care and pray for salvation for ourselves and our loved ones. To manifest the blessings of our ancestry, of our inner values, the connection point that fills all of creation. This is the level of United Souls that brings forth true talents and skills. Now we are aware of this, let’s develop these all towards a higher purpose, the destination of the soul.

The more we connect to our Soul Level the more we experience the United Flow in our daily lives. Now we are feeling and knowing this truth on a daily level we have to share this gift with others. There are so many online platforms to share our United Soul content. Personally, I have been persistently sharing my content on 3 Podcasts and guest experiences on other people’s Podcasts. Teaching classes for many years has been a form of sharing the flow and now mostly teaching online, posting United Flow content, loving & living in a relatable way, enabling artists, speakers, and creatives with events in person and online, hosting guests, bringing up children, becoming a role model, and most recently writing a book you are reading right now! The United Soul is overflowing with words toward people. We just have to keep shining in whatever small or big way we can.

This is an important soulful quote from a great teacher of our time –

The soul of a human being has been compared to a woman—a wife of G-d, as it were! Why? Because the soul represents that part of our identity that is in a perpetual relationship with G-d, described as “the husband.” A husband and a wife, even when they have issues with each other, are still in a relationship. They can love each other or hate each other, but they can’t be indifferent to each other. The soul is that part of our self that cannot ignore G-d!

This is the cry of the numb human being: My soul is dead, and my emotions have been manipulated and enslaved. I do not own my love or my awe anymore. I have been robbed of them; they are owned by forces outside of me. Your emotions may be faint, and your soul may be dead, but your essence is always present. That part of your life that stands face to face with G-d’s essence — essence to essence — never dies. It may be buried for decades, but it is never dead.

Act, act more, and act even more.

Continue to perform G-dly, moral, and sacred deeds, many good and G-dly deeds, even if they seem borrowed and empty to you. As for an empty marriage — make sure to act lovingly, though you may feel that your spouse is a burden. Fill your life with thousands of empty vessels, with numerous acts of “borrowed love” in which your own heart is not present. Husbands: Go out and buy roses, wash the dishes, put the kids to sleep, pick up the groceries, and write cards. Wives: Say loving words, do kind things, and build up your husbands. Each and every day perform acts of love and kindness toward your spouse.

As for a closed-hearted parent attempting to educate his or her children — approach your children, embrace them, and tell them how much you love them. Your heart may be locked, and your emotions stifled — it does not matter. For many of us, it is impossible to live a life of perpetual inner vitality and inspiration; but we are capable of filling our lives with empty vessels, with a schedule saturated with meaningful acts and experiences. When the moment will come, and your soul will peek out from its inner core, its life force and inspiration will fill all your empty vessels with life! All the above in this section is quoted from Rabbi YY Jacobson from The Yeshiva.net weekly On the Paraha, this was from Parshat Vayeira. (Shovavim Climaxes this week)

Emunalive.com join us for Rav Shalom Arush with Rav Shlomo Katz translating into English at Shirat Dovid, Efrat… ty Hashem… #unitybookings…

Click – for Unity Bookings – Musicians – Artists

For #UnityBookings & #UnitedSouls Projects – Unity Bookings New Site in Development – https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/ – https://unityinspireprojects.com/speakers-mentalist-creatives/ – The New #UnityBookings site as part of @unityinspiresprojects – https://unityinspireprojects.com/ – worth a share…  

UnityInspireProjects.com – #Entrance #NissimBlack #visiting#seminar #Meorot #Yerushalayim #Inspired #adored #unitybookings #NB #team #G0DSMAN #G0DSTEAM #prayer #adayinthelife #DM – Listen to our #unityflow #podcast: Nissim Black Special Shovavim Class for Midreshet Moriah – Unity Bookings – Jerusalem! https://anchor.fm/eligoldsmith/episodes/Nissim-Black-Special-Shovavim-Class-for-Midreshet-Moriah—Unity-Bookings—Jerusalem-e1ude24

#NissimBlack Special #Shovavim Class for the girls of Midreshet Moriah – #UnityBookings – Girls are doing a review and look forward to R Nissim’s return – based in Jerusalem! Big thanks to Eli Goldsmith & UB NB Team – UnityInspireProjects.com – For booking Unity Projects and Nissim Black please email – Unityinspiresprojects@gmail.com to bring more unity to our lives! – worth a share…

Click for Unity Bookings – Speakers & Mentalist

Yosef Brown – Unity Bookings – https://unityinspireprojects.com/speakers-mentalist-creatives/
Nissim Black posted – For many years we have been making great music together. My Brother in Law and Brother in Life 4 Ever. Meet Yosef Brown (One20Muzik), who not only guides our music but has been my guide in life. Boys since 5 years old, and still running! Happy to share success with my Bro! #NissimBlack #YosefBrown #One20Muzik #2023music #2023UnitedSouls

Yosef Brown – A deep sincere dedicated Friend, Husband, Father, Brother, Teacher, Speaker & Soul – truly worth bringing to your community to share Real Live Advice & Flow that connects to our generation of Souls… Photo Credit: Yitzchak Meltz – #unitybookings

Gedale Fenster​ – Unity Bookings – https://unityinspireprojects.com/speakers-mentalist-creatives/
Gedale Fenster is an internationally renowned motivational speaker, spiritual leader, life coach, entrepreneur, author, and philanthropist. He has become known worldwide as one of the most recognized faces in the field of personal development. His approach, simple and straightforward yet profound and wise, has empowered millions of individuals to achieve success in all aspects of life. His teachings are firmly rooted in spirituality and the belief that problems are truly blessings in disguise.

Happy 😃 to have now been featured on the Speaker Central site – @unityinspiresprojectshttp://speakercentral.org/speaker.asp?speakerID=1285 #speakercentral #chabad #inspires #unityprojects #booknow

New Podcast Flows Below…https://open.spotify.com/embed/show/1WI37vLKdB1ew9NhPZGHCr

Relationship Flow featuring my soulmate @tinipops https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/1PeQRPgKHXMQwIX9LsIbvF

Now a Video Version of our Emuna Podcast on

Unity Flow Podcast Episode – Enjoy & Share on IG etc…https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/3nBh2Kjctdz7wiqemj0hSx

Excited to announce Unity Bookings is including AHAVA PRODUCTIONS – DJ Ariel Katz​ on our growing new site – https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/ – WE ARE THE EXCELLENCE IN JEWISH ENTERTAINMENT FROM WEDDINGS TO CONCERTS & BEYOND – #arielkatz #ahavaproductions #unitybookings

United Souls – Extracts from New Book TBA – by  @GoldsmithEli  – Part 27 – Using our Talents & Sharing the United Flow! https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-d19?sd=pf – Share your #unityflow @unityinspiresprojects— Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/breslevisrael/support

Breslev Israel Podcast


Thank you for hosting @ShlomoKatz #shiratdavid – #RavShalomArush & Emuna Team @BreslevEnglish excited to have joined you all… #unitybookings the official version Emuna Podcast Version – https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/eVOD9HE3qxb @EliUnityGoldsmith IG Version – https://www.instagram.com/tv/Cop8zKhjAR8/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Now is the time to build towards our #Future with Emuna is our Future 2023! https://www.breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future.html We need your interest and partnership to make this #EmunaTour 2023, even more, #inspiring, #meaningful, #innovative, and #unified than past Tours! Email eli.goldsmith@breslev.co.il with your community hosting and partnership request! #EmunaisourFuture #EmunaTour #Booknow #Partnernow #SpecialGuestsTBA #Come #Unity = #community!

Summary Emuna Weekly Q&A Class – Rav Shalom Arush translated @ Rav Dayan Elgrod – Emuna in Challenged Times! Click & Share – – Answering questions on the current challenging times and how we can find comfort with guidance in United Souls etc… praying for all, sharing Emuna Global specifically the Garden of Purity with the climax of #shovavim, etc… The…

View original post 1,533 more words

Shovavim Emuna Classes by Rav Shalom Arush, Rav Dayan Elgrod, & Eli Goldsmith – Inner Renewal – United Souls!


Summary A Special Emuna Class “Real Tuesday” Live  @EliUnityGoldsmith at 12 PM Israel time! https://fb.watch/ifELdyeBX7/ Emunalive.com – Cover Photo Credits @EliGoldsmith @BreslevEnglish

Rav Shalom Arush’s #EmunaTour2023 TBA classes meetings online – Translations by Rav Dayan Elgrod – For Q/A – Feedback, Tour Info & Meetings Email – Eli.Goldsmith@Breslev.co.il… 

Emuna is our Future – #inner #sweetness ❤ #renewal Let’s go for our new IG Goal of 20K followers… Follow now & Share now – https://www.instagram.com/breslev_english/ Keep following & sharing – please G-d we shall only grow together… ❤ #emunaglobal – Let us say together #tyhashem – Last 2 week’s Official Website version – https://breslev.com/video/emuna-is-our-future-with-determined-fiery-%f0%9f%94%a5-love/ & https://breslev.com/video/emuna-is-our-future-with-inner-sweet-renewal/

For #UnityBookings & #UnitedSouls Projects – please email – Unityinspiresprojects@gmail.com to bring more unity to our lives – Unity Bookings New Site in Development – however, we are ready for booking – https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/https://unityinspireprojects.com/speakers-mentalist-creatives/ – The New #UnityBookings site as part of @unityinspiresprojects @goldsmitheli – https://unityinspireprojects.com/ – worth a share…

Click – for Unity Bookings – Musicians – Artists
Click for Unity Bookings – Speakers & Mentalist

United Souls – Extracts from New Book TBA – by Eli Goldsmith – Part 26 – Creative Flows to bring Divine Abundance:)! (subscribe now) – https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-eb7?sd=pf – Share your #UnityFlow – #UnityBookings – For booking Unity Projects, Emuna Tours, Rab Yonatan Galed and Nissim Black with Co… please email – Unityinspiresprojects@gmail.com to bring more unity to our lives!

Excited to remind all Rav Shalom Arush – הרב שלום ארוש will be coming to #shiratdavid hosted by @ShlomoKatz & community… Info & sponsorship details contact info@shiratdavid.com (for exact details TBA)… Share the good news till then #emuna in the #holyland Emunalive.com 🙂 thank you to the Aharon family 🙂 #TYHashem Unity Inspires Projects #RavShalomArush #shlomokatz #shiratdavid #unitybookings

Happy to announce we are now Unity Booking with Rab Yonatan Galed – His Unity Torah Emuna Flow (mostly in Spanish & Hebrew) & Vision (new English content TBA) will inspire beyond numbers souls with the needed unified message & Emuna… #yonatangaled #unitybookings

Good 😊 news – From Nissim Black’s Tour Team aka @nissimofficial crew – Night of February 26th, we can offer a super booking event anywhere near New York :). Also, 02/27-28, plus 03/05, 03/20, & 03/27 are also all available at a big booking flow :). Yes 🙌🏻, 04/10 anywhere near NYC we can give our special style bookings. @Goldsmitheli A post shared by @EliPmusic (@unityinspiresprojects) Thank you 🙏 for all your #UnityBookings interest! #nissimblack #2023tour 🙂

I am happy to update your awesome programming with the good news that we have an Updated list of Speakers, Artists, Creatives, and Bands! Including – Nissim Black, Duvie Shapiro, Tali Yess, Moshe Reuven – https://moshereuven.com/moshe-s-booking-agent-eli-goldsmith (new), DJ Hudacris (new), Hebro Music (new), Ari Lesser, DJ Keyton aka Mikey Mocton, Eitan Katz, The Real Gavriel (new), the Shira Choir, Moshe Gersht – https://www.moshegersht.com/unity, Rudy Rochman, Westside Gravy, Shloime Zionce, Saul Blinkoff, Jodeci Joseph, Eli Goldsmith, The Shefa Band, Nuriel, Shlepping Nachas, Yosef Daniel, Yoni Gabali, Mentalist Michael Samen, Reuven Garber, and I&R – Judith Gerzi and Esther with many more

Eliezer Kosoy aka @Elyonsong Touring in the US… Please DM or Email Unity Booking Agency Full a Growing list of talented Speakers, Artists, Creatives, and Bookings UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com<-🙂

Listen to our relationship flow podcast: Simplicity is the 🔑 to Soulful Flow!

Finding the Simple approach to family occasions gives so much room for the Soulful Flow to Grow! We discussed our compromises making a Bar Mitzvah weekend hosting our family and friends! Masha aka @tinipops613 returns to teaching exercise as Vitality Body & Soul… Eli’s new Unity Booking website UnityInspiresProjects.com – Share your #relationshipflow – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com
Check out a new needed podcast, Talk It Out…, on Spotify flow & featuring a special connected guest – https://open.spotify.com/episode/4TkqdE1iEm2paKKJ6dfGve?si=7oCo3AyZTLu8X59W96ktCA&context=spotify%3Ashow%3A1WI37vLKdB1ew9NhPZGHCr – Listen to our updated #RelationshipFlow podcast feat. Masha Goldsmith aka @tinipops613: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1PeQRPgKHXMQwIX9LsIbvF?si=78ZhqIyBS4mpvYaZkq3jRg  – https://relationshipflow.wordpress.com/ 

Didn’t realize the deep inspiring humor of the moment was so sweet and special – a few highlights beyond words of Zalmi’s #BarMitzvah – many more special moments to come – thank you to all who made the appreciated effort to join us & those who didn’t it’s never too late – #paypal a gift – Click kindly here & send Zalmi an appreciated Bar Mitzvah Present 🙂 – https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli ✓ Big Hugs to all our friends Globally…

Thank you beyond words @tinipops613 & family for all your dedicated love-filled soulful work & connection – United Souls – Extracts from New Book TBA – by @midnightrabbi – Part 26 – Creative Flows to bring Divine Abundance:)! (subscribe now) – https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-eb7?sd=pf – Share your #UnityFlow— Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/breslevisrael/support

Breslev Israel Podcast


Summary A Special Emuna Class “Real Tuesday” Live @EliUnityGoldsmithat 12 PM Israel time! https://fb.watch/ifELdyeBX7/ Emunalive.com – Cover Photo Credits @EliGoldsmith@BreslevEnglish

Rav Shalom Arush’s #EmunaTour2023 TBA classes meetings online – Translations by Rav Dayan Elgrod – For Q/A – Feedback, Tour Info & Meetings Email – Eli.Goldsmith@Breslev.co.il…

Emuna is our Future – #inner #sweetness ❤ #renewal Let’s go for our new IG Goal of 20K followers… Follow now & Share now – https://www.instagram.com/breslev_english/ Keep following & sharing – please G-d we shall only grow together… ❤ #emunaglobal – Let us say together #tyhashem – Last 2 week’s Official Website version – https://breslev.com/video/emuna-is-our-future-with-determined-fiery-%f0%9f%94%a5-love/ & https://breslev.com/video/emuna-is-our-future-with-inner-sweet-renewal/

For #UnityBookings & #UnitedSouls Projects – please email – Unityinspiresprojects@gmail.com to bring more unity to our lives – Unity Bookings New Site in Development – however, we are ready for booking – https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/https://unityinspireprojects.com/speakers-mentalist-creatives/ – The New #UnityBookings site as part of @unityinspiresprojects @goldsmitheli…

View original post 552 more words

United Souls Weekly EMUNA Classes Rav Shalom Arush, Rav Dayan Elgrod, & Eli Goldsmith with co-Going Live Together!


The New #UnityBookings site as part of @unityinspiresprojects – https://unityinspireprojects.com/ – Unity Bookings New Site in Development – however, we are ready for booking – https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/https://unityinspireprojects.com/speakers-mentalist-creatives/ – worth a share…

Eli Goldsmith | Podcast Against Antisemitism | S3 E11 Subscribe to the Campaign Against @Antisemitism platforms – For the Audio – https://open.spotify.com/episode/6na4mDQ0FxmPdKVPXnaP4q – FB – https://www.facebook.com/antisemitism/posts/563021622537559 – Twitter – https://twitter.com/antisemitism/status/1610974975367970816 – “Speaking from the soul” with #EliGoldsmith #UnitedSouls #Antisemitism #Antisoulism #PodcastAgainstAntisemitism…

United Souls – Extracts from New Book TBA – by Eli Goldsmith – Part 25 – Facing life fully On & Drawing Energy with Protection! (subscribe now) – https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-324 – Share your #UnityFlow – #UnityBookings

@nissimblack & @shlomokatz 10th Tevet #inspired event lkovod #rebbenatan zya – Hosted by @shiratdavid – DM @GoldsmithEli #unity #BOOKINGS – Sponsorship opportunities available! #nissimblack #shlomokatz #shiratdavid #unitybookings unityinspiresprojects

Unity Booking Agency New Site TBA!

Unity-Focused Artists, Speakers & Creatives!Unification of Everyone, Every-time, Everything!!!

Unity Bookings Book Now – We are happy to update your awesome community & programming with the good news that we have an Updated list of Speakers, Artists, Creatives, and Bands! A post shared by Eli Pmusic (@unityinspiresprojects)

Unity Connections Exclusive Service – Unity Booking Agency! We are a nonexclusive win-win focused booking agency with years of experience and a ready-to-serve positive attitude. Join & partner with our growing mission…

Our Unity Projects

Welcome to our new Unity-Themed Booking site and a safe place to make real change! You are welcome to contact us at Direct Unityinspiresprojects@gmail.com, all Unity Bookings will be built with a Unity focus!
This booking agency service is with love and shared inspiration! Live life with the passion that you can share, that lit up the truth with another soul, and then we are a step closer to real Unification!

Click for Unity Bookings – Musicians – Artists!
Click for Unity Bookings – Speakers & Mentalist

Check out a new needed podcast, Talk It Out…, on Spotify!

Now a Video Version of our Emuna Podcast on Spotify!

New Unity Flow Podcast Episode – Enjoy & Share on IG etc…

Eli Goldsmith is up next for the Podcast Against Antisemitism…

Happy to announce we are now Unity Booking with Hebro Music – His Unity Torah Flow & Vision (new content TBA) will inspire many souls with the needed unified message & music… I am happy to update your awesome programming with the good news that we have an Updated list of Speakers, Artists, Creatives, and Bands!

Including – Nissim Black, Duvie Shapiro, Tali Yess, Moshe Reuven – https://moshereuven.com/moshe-s-booking-agent-eli-goldsmith (new), DJ Hudacris (new), Hebro Music (new), Ari Lesser, DJ Keyton aka Mikey Mocton, Eitan Katz, The Real Gavriel (new), the Shira Choir, Moshe Gersht – https://www.moshegersht.com/unity, Rudy Rochman, Westside Gravy, Shloime Zionce, Saul Blinkoff, Jodeci Joseph, Eli Goldsmith, The Shefa Band, Nuriel, Shlepping Nachas, Yosef Daniel, Yoni Gabali, Mentalist Michael Samen, Reuven Garber, and I&R – Judith Gerzi and Esther with many more…

Please DM or Email Unity Booking Agency Full a Growing list of talented Speakers, Artists, Creatives, and Bookings UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com<-
Moshe Reuven’s new track “The Flame 🔥 “ – https://youtu.be/1S9epRISzdo DM Eli Goldsmith Unity Bookings 🙂 “Hey it’s Moshe Reuven. Here’s my latest release, ‘The Flame’ also on Spotify! Just came live!” https://llo.to/t/myKHJ #moshereuven #newtrack #theflame #unitybookingsMoshe Reuven

Please DM or Email Unity Booking Agency Full a Growing list of talented Speakers, Artists, Creatives, and Bookings UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com<-🙂

Subscribe to our new #Substack posts on #UnitedSouls Flow –

Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow LetterUnited Souls

Listen to our #RelationshipFlow podcast: https://anchor.fm/eli-real/

The Warmth & Light from Chanukah 2022/3 still shines forth – tinipops613

A post shared by Martine Salber Goldsmith (@tinipops613)

Personal Branding & #2020Vision – The Challenge in beginning focused 2023!

Unity – Inspires – Projects 🙂

Thoughts – Creative Expression – Actions 🙂

Oneness – #oneness

#unity – #inspires – #projects

#thoughts – #creative-expression – #actions

Stay Tuned… More to Come… Join the Unity Flow…

By Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings- UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.✓ So kind regards:) To assist us financially currently for the months ahead and to sponsor our Unity Inspires Projects plz partner with our secure link!

Click kindly here & send Zalmi an appreciated Bar Mitzvah Present  – https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli✓ Big Hugs to all our friends Globally…

— Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/eligoldsmith/support

Eli Goldsmith Inspired Flow!

Eli Goldsmith | Podcast Against Antisemitism | S3 E11 Subscribe to the Campaign Against @Antisemitism platforms – For the Audio – https://open.spotify.com/episode/6na4mDQ0FxmPdKVPXnaP4q – FB – https://www.facebook.com/antisemitism/posts/563021622537559 – Twitter – https://twitter.com/antisemitism/status/1610974975367970816 – “Speaking from the soul” with #EliGoldsmith #UnitedSouls #Antisemitism #Antisoulism #PodcastAgainstAntisemitism…

Breslev Israel Podcast


Summary Emuna Is Our Future – GOING Live Together! Join Live, Click & Share – https://fb.watch/hGzFBaZqn_/ – A Special Emuna Class “Real Tuesday” Live  @EliUnityGoldsmith  at 12 PM Israel time – Emunalive.com https://breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future.html

Rav Shalom Arush’s #EmunaTour2023 TBA & the Rav – possibility weekly available for private meetings online – Translations by Rav Dayan Elgrod – For Q/A – Feedback, Tour Info & Meetings Email – Eli.Goldsmith@Breslev.co.il… Emuna is our Future – #goinglive 🔥 #together.

United Souls – Extracts from New Book TBA – by Eli Goldsmith – Part 25 – Facing life fully On & Drawing Energy with Protection! (subscribe now) – https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-324 – Share your #UnityFlow – #UnityBookings

Let’s go for our new IG Goal of 20K followers… Follow now & Share now – https://www.instagram.com/breslev_english/ Keep following & sharing – please G-d we shall only grow together… ❤ #emunaglobal – Let us say together #tyhashem –…

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Emuna Weekly Class – This IS Chanukah❤️‍🔥- United Souls by Eli Goldsmith!

Includes Rav Shalom Arush Emunalive.com Toronto Chanukah Tour, Emuna Classes, Relationship Flow & United Bookings Beyond!


Summary Emuna is our Future – This IS Chanukah❤️‍🔥! Click & Share – https://fb.watch/hpqUAlR3-O/ Let us say together #tyhashem – Last 3 week’s Official Website version by Eliezer Goldsmith – https://breslev.com/video/title-emuna-is-our-future-dedicating-time-%f0%9f%98%8d-part-3/ Time to focus on our loved ones & real causes… A Special Emuna Class “Real Tuesday” Live at 12 PM Israel time by – Emunalive.com  Rav Shalom Arush’s Toronto Chanukah Emuna Class #EmunaTour2022 & the Rav was available for private meetings online – https://fb.watch/hlPtUfkN_B/?mibextid=RUbZ1f & – Translations by Rav Dayan Elgrod – For Feedback, Tour Info & Meetings Email – Eli.Goldsmith@Breslev.co.il… #EmunaTour2023 TBA – #dedicating #time. Let’s go for our new IG Goal of 20K followers… Follow now & Share now – https://www.instagram.com/breslev_english/ Keep following & sharing – please G-d we shall only grow together… ❤ #emunaglobal

Listen to our updated #RelationshipFlow podcast feat. Masha Goldsmith aka @tinipops613:

For #UnityBookings & #UnitedSouls Projects – please email – Unityinspiresprojects@gmail.com to bring more unity to our lives!

United Souls – Extracts from New Book TBA – by @midnightrabbi – Part 24 The Relationship Flow Unified & Real! (subscribe now) – https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-98a?sd=pf – Share your #UnityFlow – #UnityBookings – Dedicated to all Souls Globally – the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls and for all those that know not yet. Happy Chanukah 🙂 Leave a comment

Enjoy the new track #nissimofficial #mikeymoctonmusic #victory #unitybookings DM 🙂

Where do we go from here –

Know where we are from and where we are going. The key is to know who we are along our daily journey toward United Souls. Having a soul mate she constantly reminds me of the importance of being practical, real, and down to earth. The image of the heavenly ladder in our forefathers is Jacob’s dream with Heavenly beings going up and down etc, however, the key is who lays at the base of the ladder and makes that place a dwelling of Soul. A reminder also of our goals and destination. At the same time knowing how to be present in the now with intentional living. To breathe in and take in the wonderful blue sky we walk through daily in the holy land with the beat of life pulsating in everything we do. Rapping the flow that exists in our daily journey. The ups and downs, the rhythm of people’s vibes and needs, tuning into the selfless way of being, the paradigm shifts needed. We need to begin to discuss the relationship flow. How to reach unification in the soul mate flow.

The Relationship Flow Unified & Real –

We are in a generation and time like no other. A kvetch or krech or sigh from a deep place yearning for that relationship connection and real flow. The power of our efforts, the will to focus, and our dedicated lifestyles, is beyond words for all the generations that preceded us. My hope is that all the midnight conversations, emails, messages, podcasts, songs, events, and posts inspired somebody to flow a little more and to live in an increasingly unified relationship. To taste the oneness of connection needs dedication and soul knowledge. Learning the language of the soul is the key to all developments in the relationship flow. We Unify as soulmates, by remembering and appreciating all the kindness and service we perform and they perform. The hours, days, and years of constant reinforcement of the love and gratitude expressed daily and encouragement from moment to moment. Being there for each other during all the moments of pain and struggle.  Hearing the conversation of the soul with empathy and understanding. To listen with care and compassion. To plan for moments of togetherness, to strengthen the bond. We are able to experience the relationship flow and next, we shall explore our intimate relationship experience.

The Intimate Relationship Flow Explored

There is a genius within each one of us, a divine spark giving us the power to explore the beauty of the soul and the wonder that we are seemingly two souls that really are one soul. A United Soul which is an expression most wonderfully captured in intimacy where two seemingly opposites can become one. Through a flow of love and divine connection, a man and a women join in mutual harmony to express a divine unification taking place in the physical form, even more importantly on the emotional plane, and even more so the spiritual plane. We have mystical texts that explain the profound oneness of unification that takes place with an eternal expression in this pro-creative force. To become a partner in Creation isn’t a small act and shouldn’t on any level be reduced by any form of lack of respect or sanctity. We can elevate this huge energy that runs through all of society, and influences everything we think, say & do, the whole advertising industry is built on this intimate mystical energy rebranded for business, and just now we know the true source and destination – United Souls!

We need to discuss the divine aspect of intimacy that is expressed through the name of G-d and intimacy. The name of G-d is 4 letters (even though there is a 5th hidden inner letter within the Yud). These 4 letters express the intimacy flow. The letter Yud (The male aspect of the giver) is the minimal amount of ink expressed on cloth and represents the aspect of the wisdom of thought willing into reality creative energy. The letter Heh (Female aspect of the receiver) is the vessel in the level of thought to receive the letter Yud the aspect of understanding building the creative energy into something more formative, all of this from true intellectual love. The letter Vav represents the climax as all this creative energy is expressed in the emotive levels of love and awareness. The final letter Heh represents receiving all this creative energy in real-time and with the physical expression of intense pleasure of oneness of this world. The ability to create something from nothing is truly a force only the Creator has, however, we can all become partners with that creative force and this can manifest when we eat, sleep, pray, learn, think, speak and do. All about the United Soul Flow as the souls come through the brain down the spine through the bris and into the vessel of creative reality. We continue on in this world and taste the world to come while we flow together.

Check out a new needed podcast, Talk It Out…, on Spotify!

Be Real!!! Share on…

Now a Video Version of our Emuna Podcast on Spotify! A Special Chanukah Class!

First Video was Uploaded on Spotify 🙂

Check out a top class #mentalist@michael.samen going global – DM @unityinspiresprojects #unitybookings unityinspiresprojects

Due to high demand, we have created a video to give you a better taste of what happens at live shows 🙂 Feel free to share ☺️ #michaelsamen

Yes… happy beyond words to have seen this #chosen awesome lineup #moshereuven first time was live on stage collab with #julianrmarley – this beyond real musical lineup was including my holy bro #nissimofficial during his very busy Bright Light Tour 2022 – DM Unity Bookings Email UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com – #unityinspiresprojects A post shared by Eli Pmusic (@goldsmitheli) Get your tickets for future @chosencomedyfest… LA, UK & the Holy Land TBA…
#standupny #elongold #modi #dani #miami #chosencomedyfest – #matisyahu #gadelbaz  #laivymiller #unitybookings

Unity Bookings – Rav Shalom Arush – Nissim Black – I also book for many talented options including Duvie Shapiro, Tali Yess, Moshe Reuven – https://moshereuven.com/moshe-s-booking-agent-eli-goldsmith (new), DJ Hudacris(new), Ari Lesser, Eitan Katz, The Real Gavriel (new), the Shira Choir, Moshe Gersht – https://www.moshegersht.com/unity, Rudy Rochman, Westside Gravy, Shloime Zionce, Saul Blinkoff, Jodeci Joseph, Eli Goldsmith, The Shefa Band, Nuriel, Shlepping Nachas, Yosef Daniel, Yoni Gabali, Mentalist Michael Samen, NEW – DJ & Producer – Mikey Mocton, Reuven Garber, and  I&R  – Judith Gerzi and Esther with many more…Mikey Mocton studio 1

Please let me know who would be good for your program/community and we can together make it work.

Sincere appreciation and much success in this important needed work,

Eli and Team. 🙂 Email UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Subscribe to our new #Substack posts on #UnitedSouls Flow –

Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter United Souls

Listen to our #RelationshipFlow podcast: https://anchor.fm/eli-real/


Listen to our #relationshippodcast: Happy 😃 Chanukah 🕎 & 21st Anniversary 💗 – Soulful Flow – https://anchor.fm/eli-real/episodes/Happy–Chanukah—21st-Anniversary—-Soulful-Flow-e1s9tnu – 21 years ago the 2nd night of Chanukah our #relationship #flow manifested! We got married – @unityinspiresprojects & @tinipops613 – So we discussed in this episode the soul level that binds our 2 souls together! The ability to go through all the struggles, pain, and darkness to reveal that joy, healing & light of our oneness…

Relationship flow Spotify update

We discussed being real with staging our life & intimacy! Beyond words honestly – happy 😃 Chanukah & soulful #relationshipflow – share yours… Email – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Personal Branding & #2020Vision – The Challenge in the Climax to 2022!

Unity – Inspires – Projects 🙂

Thoughts – Creative Expression – Actions 🙂

Oneness – #oneness

#unity – #inspires – #projects

#thoughts – #creative-expression – #actions

Stay Tuned… More to Come… Join the Unity Flow…

By Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings- UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter – Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.✓ So kind regards:) To assist us financially currently for the months ahead and to sponsor our Unity Inspires Projects plz partner with our secure link!

Click kindly here & send Zalmi an appreciated Bar Mitzvah Present 🙂 – https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli✓ Big Hugs to all our friends Globally…

Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/breslevisrael/support

Breslev Israel Podcast

Includes Rav Shalom Arush Emunalive.com Toronto Chanukah Tour, Emuna Classes, Relationship Flow & United Bookings Beyond!


Summary Emuna is our Future – This IS Chanukah❤️‍🔥! Click & Share – https://fb.watch/hpqUAlR3-O/ Let us say together #tyhashem – Last 3 week’s Official Website version by Eliezer Goldsmith – https://breslev.com/video/title-emuna-is-our-future-dedicating-time-%f0%9f%98%8d-part-3/ Time to focus on our loved ones & real causes… A Special Emuna Class “Real Tuesday” Live at 12 PM Israel time by – Emunalive.com  Rav Shalom Arush’s Toronto Chanukah Emuna Class #EmunaTour2022 & the Rav was available for private meetings online – https://fb.watch/hlPtUfkN_B/?mibextid=RUbZ1f & – Translations by Rav Dayan Elgrod – For Feedback, Tour Info & Meetings Email – Eli.Goldsmith@Breslev.co.il… #EmunaTour2023 TBA – #dedicating #time. Let’s go for our new IG Goal of 20K followers… Follow now & Share now – https://www.instagram.com/breslev_english/ Keep following & sharing – please G-d we shall only grow together… ❤ #emunaglobal   

Listen to our updated…

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