Tag Archive | Moshe Gersht

Emuna Tour 2022 – Rav Shalom Arush, Gedale Fenster & Rav Moshe Malka in Brooklyn. Chazaq, Monsey & MC Eli Goldsmith – Share the Love Global!


Summary Worth watching & listening to again – Posting the Official version on our Emuna Podcast platforms – Rav Shalom Arush, Gedale Fenster, and R Moshe Malka MDY Grand Auditorium Brooklyn Event… Posting the Official version on our Emuna Podcast platforms – https://soundcloud.com/lazer-breslev/rav-shalom-arush-gedale-fenster-and-r-moshe-malka-mdy-grand-auditorium-brooklyn-event Click & Join – Emuna is our Future Tour 2022 – Thanking all our hosts & Friends – Rav Shalom Arush – הרב שלום ארוש, Gedale Fenster & Rav Moshe Malka – Share the Love & Thanks! #tyhashem

Let us say together #tyhashem as our #EmunaTour2022 was a big success – posts still flowing (summaries more coming soon)  @Breslev English  Official Website version – https://breslev.com/video/emuna-is-our-future-dedicating-time-%f0%9f%98%8d/ We also reached our IG Goal of 10K followers… Follow now & Share now – https://www.instagram.com/breslev_english/ Keep following & sharing – please G-d we shall only grow together… ❤ #emunaglobal

Partner here – https://www.breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future.html Join our EMUNA WhatsApp Group Channel 2 – https://chat.whatsapp.com/G0MKECzqq0Q1Ctq9ViCcia

Please contact Direct Eli Unity Goldsmith  for meetings, updates, and Emunalive Tour 2022 – Eli.Goldsmith@Breslev.Co.il – Thank you to all our hosts dedicated to the Kassin family & elevation of the soul of Regina Bat Dovid!

United Souls – Extracts from New Book TBA – by @GoldsmithEli – Part 23 The Soul in Music Explored! (subscribe now) – https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-9f6?sd=pf – Share your #UnityFlow – For #UnityBookings & #UnitedSouls Projects – please email – Unityinspiresprojects@gmail.com to bring more unity to our lives!

Enjoy an extract of the extract full link above – “To stop at this point exploring music on the soul level would be a mistake. We are just starting to enter this realm of spiritual upliftment and yet there is a whole music world that can pull a person away from his source. The musician, the production, and the visual aspect depend on the direction intended, the key is the inner dimension of the song! What state of mind the music brings you to and what do you do with the energy the music brings you? Trying to make a living from music has increasingly become a challenge. However, the need for real music is increasingly important. The ideal music will truly awaken all our souls to spiritual elevation. The feelings within, the dancing created, the United souls experienced. Let us pray for the day when we see music in love, eternally, family, in sanctuary:).

So I realized if I didn’t mention a point growing up in the entertainment industry I believe I would be missing a part of my sole mission. I saw with my own eyes the real story of the music personalities and business which dissuaded my continued focus on the music biz in England and sought a more spiritual-focused approach. How many years later say about 20 years on the journey here in the holy land brought me to United Souls? The focus became to inspire Global spiritualization in a way that from our own souls we can heal the pain both within and without. To understand we are never truly alone, in fact we are all joined and bound on a soul level and music is a revealed expression of this. The influence of a musician is so profound with their song, message, and presence. The influencers of our 2020 generation know this profound secret and yet only the soul level can truly Unite us all to influence the world with light, eternal values, and real lasting change. To transform the world with music, yearning, and soul we have to begin to communicate this language in a Universal way that the whole world can with their emotional intelligence and vessel able to internalize this cry of the soul. The soul is crying out more than ever, it manifests in joyous moments of a climatic chorus to a moving M8, but either way, the key is to keep going and bring the song to its beautiful conclusion.

Nissim Black Bright Lights Tour 2022 DM Eli Goldsmith Unity Bookings – UnityInspiresProjects@Gmail.com

Nissim Black Tour 2022Special highlights… Emunalive.com… Emuna is our Future Tour 2022 – @rav_shalom__arush- הרב שלום ארוש, @GedaleFenster & Rav Moshe Malka – Share the Love & Thanks!” Watch #gedalefenster here – @unityinspiresprojects #unitybookings midnightrabbi_inspires

A post shared by Eliezer Goldsmith (@midnightrabbi_inspires) Thank you @unityinspiresprojects and @eligoldsmith_inspired @midnightrabbi for arranging this below & Studio time for NB. @breslev_english @midnightrabbi_inspires – Thank You Hashem! #tyh #music #jewishmusic DM for Unity Booking Esther Freeman.

A post shared by Esther Freeman 🎙 אסתר פרימאן (@esthersmusic)

Gavriel – Unity Bookings – Emuna Tour 2022 Rav Shalom Arush!

DM for #unitybookings Unity Inspires Projects – The Real Gavriel (with beloved brother) so talented beyond words & merited on our #emunatour 2022 to get a blessing or 3 from #ravshalomarush & team…Gavriel real music 1

Excited beyond words to hear more #realmusic #TheRealGavriel #unitymusic…@unityinspiresprojects

A post shared by Eli Pmusic (@unityinspiresprojects)

Excited to have met Moshe Reuven in person after months of connection – Unity Bookings!

DM Unity Bookings or email UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com 🙂 for his talented flow… So special to be able to arrange an awesome meeting in #nyc with @rav_shalom__arush @breslev_english @unityinspiresprojects

unityinspiresprojects A post shared by Eli Pmusic (@unityinspiresprojects)

#moshereuven #ravshalomarush #emunamusic #emunatour #unitybookings…

Thank you Hashem @yaakovlanger @livinglchaim full episode not to be missed & TBA in a good time… – @rav_shalom__arush @breslev_english @unityinspiresprojects #tyhashem – Such a pleasure hosting #yaakovlanger in person wishing #inspirationforthenation so much growing success bH @eligoldsmith_inspired 😉 breslev_english

Special needed episode from Rudy Rochman aka @rudy_israel we merited to arrange for the Campaign Against Antisemitism Podcast aka @antisemitism – check this out & share – DM Unity Bookings for booking Rudy & co… or email UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com – #rudyrochman #antisemitism #antisoulism #unitybookings

A post shared by Breslev Israel (@breslev_english)

Special needed episode from Rudy Rochman aka @rudy_israel we merited to arrange for the Campaign Against Antisemitism Podcast aka @antisemitism – check this out & share – DM Unity Bookings for booking Rudy & co… or email UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com – #rudyrochman #antisemitism #antisoulism #unitybookings

Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter – United Souls

Imp. Media Link Recommended – https://www.moshegersht.com/unity US/UK Tour 2023!

Emuna Tour 2023 Let’s Go Together!!! Meet and be Blessed by #RavShalomArush in person -Join Us for the Climax of Sharing #EmunaGlobal Together! #tyhashem Miami, Los Angeles & UK??? – For tour info & arranging meetings, contact @eligoldsmith_inspired at Eli.Goldsmith@breslev.co.il. Join the tour online at emunalive.com. Rav Dayan Elgrod will be available to translate into English.

Subscribe to our new #Substack posts on #UnitedSouls Flow

Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter Welcome home Eli G DedicateUnited Souls

Listen to our #RelationshipFlow podcast: https://anchor.fm/eli-real/

https://relationshipflow.wordpress.com/Eli G and Masha Dedicate time

Personal Branding & #2020Vision – The Challenge in the Climax to 2022!

Unity – Inspires – Projects 🙂

Thoughts – Creative Expression – Actions 🙂

Oneness – #oneness

#unity – #inspires – #projects

#thoughts – #creative-expression – #actions

Stay Tuned… More to Come… Join the Unity Flow…

By Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings- UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.✓ So kind regards:) To assist us financially currently for the months ahead and to sponsor our Unity Inspires Projects plz partner with our secure link! Click kindly here – https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli✓ Big Hugs to all our friends Globally… — Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/breslevisrael/support

Breslev Israel Podcast


Summary Worth watching & listening to again – Posting the Official version on our Emuna Podcast platforms – Rav Shalom Arush, Gedale Fenster, and R Moshe Malka MDY Grand Auditorium Brooklyn Event… Posting the Official version on our Emuna Podcast platforms – https://soundcloud.com/lazer-breslev/rav-shalom-arush-gedale-fenster-and-r-moshe-malka-mdy-grand-auditorium-brooklyn-event Click & Join – Emuna is our Future Tour 2022 – Thanking all our hosts & Friends – Rav Shalom Arush – הרב שלום ארוש, Gedale Fenster & Rav Moshe Malka – Share the Love & Thanks! #tyhashem

Partner here – https://www.breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future.html Join our EMUNA WhatsApp Group Channel 2 – https://chat.whatsapp.com/G0MKECzqq0Q1Ctq9ViCcia

Please contact Direct Eli Unity Goldsmith for meetings, updates, and Emunalive Tour 2022 – Eli.Goldsmith@Breslev.Co.il – Thank you to all our hosts dedicated to the Kassin family & elevation of the soul of Regina Bat Dovid!

United Souls – Extracts from New Book TBA – by @GoldsmithEli – Part 23 The Soul in Music Explored!…

View original post 1,010 more words

The Light Of The Infinite – United SOULS – By Eli Goldsmith – Unity Bookings – Gedale Fenster Emuna Tour NYC – Nissim Black Bright Lights Tour! Double Emuna Classes – Rabbi Harry & Judah Klein!

So excited Rav Shalom Arush – הרב שלום ארוש, Gedale Fenster & #rabbimoshemalka…


Info on the flier to join us for such a special night of #Inspiration… https://www.instagram.com/p/CjfwlVhNNi-/?igshid=N2Y5NTAwYTk= Unity Inspires Projects

All our welcome to join Rav Shalom Arush – הרב שלום ארוש, Gedale Fenster & #rabbimoshemalka…

Rav Arush Gedale Rabbi Malka - Speakers in Brooklyn Nov 6th 2022

Thank you @ijk.nyc, @tobi_rubinstein & all the wonderful people beyond words…

Emuna Tour 2022 Let’s Go Together!!! Meet and be Blessed by #RavShalomArush in person -Join Us for the Climax of Sharing #EmunaGlobal Together! #tyhashem November 4th – 14th NYC – Brooklyn & Monsey – For tour info & arranging meetings, contact @eligoldsmith_inspired at Eli.Goldsmith@breslev.co.il. Join the tour online at emunalive.com. Rav Dayan Elgrod will be available to translate to English.

Rav Arush’s books in English will be available, or you can order them from Breslev Store – https://breslev.com/product-category/books/rabbi-arushs-english-books/

One Plus One
By Tzvi Freeman
In the Sukkah, we are all one because in essence we are a single being.

But that which is outside our essence—that which makes us the individuals who we are—that is not yet one.

In the unity of the Etrog, Lulav, Hadasim and Aravot, we are all one as distinct individuals, complementing one another to make a single, harmonious whole.8A56C82F-59D4-4A5C-9492-062C21F276C8

But we remain apart at the core, united only superficially.

When the two mitzvot come together, then we are one in all ways: The oneness of our essence resonates throughout the harmony of our diversity.

And so it shall be in the entire creation, as a single symphony, soon, very soon. By Tzvi Freeman8A064CBA-DC95-496E-914C-68FA534FBF23
Chag Somayach – https://www.facebook.com/315463365134303/posts/pfbid02GUWx8FPDAeJQsbr4xxoUrsviJNbWeWTvz7uYoar3WsEKACwTnPoyCw5Td4vvBtSRl/ share the joy & lets make our 100K FB & 10K IG @Breslev_English @Emuna followers goal together – https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjd8DPLN9zY/?igshid=N2Y5NTAwYTk=

Summary #LightofInfiniteFestival 🙂 Live – https://fb.watch/fFWiniEWi9/ Audio – https://open.spotify.com/episode/1U9oUBCHmRGUE8PW9EIYAz?si=nRAScC8nQ8S1N7IW_OGHyg To watch the full Light of Infinite festival, go to http://www.lightofinfinite.com/fest and experience all of the epic presenters in two rooms with a true festival feel – Thanks for hosting!

Joining us for our Double Emuna Tuesday Class # 87 – Judah Klein – https://open.spotify.com/episode/1Jqkm8Oc9k0i8ykLnGLTyb?si=651pbG2mQ8SSdxHx_Gz1ig @Eli Unity Goldsmith – Click, Join FB Live Feed & Share on – Our Special GuestEmuna Class will be going live Tuesday at 12 pm – https://fb.watch/fxpva6NfN6/ – & IG Live @Breslev_English – On all our Audio Platforms & the YouTube link TBA…

Double Emuna Tuesday Class #88 Special Guest  @RabbiHarry  Rozenberg – Hosted @   @Eli Unity Goldsmith  – https://fb.watch/fFv3HcGeXu/ – Check out RabbiHarry.com — Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/eligoldsmith/support

Eli Goldsmith Inspired Flow!


Summary #LightofInfiniteFestival 🙂 Live – https://fb.watch/fFWiniEWi9/ Audio – https://open.spotify.com/episode/1U9oUBCHmRGUE8PW9EIYAz?si=nRAScC8nQ8S1N7IW_OGHyg To watch the full Light of Infinite festival, go to http://www.lightofinfinite.com/fest and experience all of the epic presenters in two rooms with a true festival feel – Thanks for hosting!

The Emuna Great Flow of Uman 2022 5783!https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/NzHGmgOqUtb Listen here :)!

Bright Lights Tour 2022

Nissim Black Bright Lights Tour 2022 DM Eli Goldsmith Unity Bookings – UnityInspiresProjects@Gmail.com

Yes 🙌🏻 Michael Samen – great meeting – let’s go – Unity Bookings… UnityInspiresProjects@Gmail.com

I am reaching out on behalf ofUnity Bookings. We’d love to have one or more of our speakers and artists connect to your community – a new option opened up a talented growing Mentalist. Official Website https://www.michaelsamen.com

Moshe Gersht – Unity Bookings – DM UnityInspiresProjects@Gmail.com

For #UnityBookings & #UnitedSouls Projects – please email – Unityinspiresprojects@gmail.com to bring more unity to our lives! United Souls – Extracts from New Book…

View original post 253 more words

Intentional Flow in Every way for a Happy Life! The Queen’s Legacy lives on…


Summary – Sad News about the Queen of the UK is below. On a positive note, the holiday after the holiday (lovely pics) has been the best Elul Intentional Preps for the holy busy days ahead (of Sliechot and Tishrei – including Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur & Sukkot) https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/ – Living in every way with mindfulness allows the present to truly flow towards a happy life. Happy sweet new year all – enjoy the #relationshipflow with real intentions, our next episode will be after the high holidays to discuss “Being A Beginner” again & again… till then share our #flow – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com @GoldsmithEli Subscribe –Eligoldsmith.substack.com

Featured Image -- 7457United Souls – Extracts from New Book TBA – by Eli Goldsmith – Part 21 – Great Choices in Soulful Living! (subscribe now) https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-5ec?sd=pf – Share your #UnityFlow – #UnityBookings – #unityinspiresprojects…

Sad to hear about the Queen of the United Kingdom passing away today 😦 a big part of growing up in London was knowing we had a Queen and the standards she lived by… the cover pic is dedicated to her memory and the concept authored in the book “Living in the Presence” from the Be Here Now by Dr. Benjy Epstein. Amongst our Chevre was a Big deal so see the good Dr.’s post today! I’ve seen Duncan Trussell many times on Joe Rogan and also on Lex Friedman’s podcast – Dr. Benjy Espstein featured on his Podcast with Shofar and all – https://podcasts.apple.com/il/podcast/dr-benjy-epstein/id350580455?i=1000578263484 big Kiddush Hashem – #shofar #breathing #beherenow #beyond… our past and present guest…

Dr. Benjamin Klempner – “Vibrational Healing” United Souls Double Emuna Tuesday Class Q/A #84! Click & Share the Official version – Live Version – https://fb.watch/f4GA7jIivN/ – Dr. Benjamin Klempner joined our Double Emuna Tuesday Class Q/A #84 at 12 pm – https://soundsymphony.net/ – Unity Bookings – DM our MC @Eli Unity Goldsmith – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Double Emuna is live twice – 1. Join Rav Ralph Cohen our Special Guest – https://fb.watch/fdEDeu1twC/ 2. Join us with Emuna is our Future With The Power Of A Smile! Join live & Share – – Joining us for our Double Emuna Tuesday Hosted @midnightrabbi – Click, Join FB Live Feed & Share on – Our Special Guest Emuna Class will be going live Tuesday at 12 pm – https://www.facebook.com/breslev.english – & IG Live @BreslevEnglish – On all our Audio Platforms & the YouTube link TBA…

G-d’s Greatness – United Souls Double Emuna Weekly Class – @AviAbelow! Click & share – https://fb.watch/fmTcusrS1U/ – Thank you our special guest Avi Abelow for joining us B’H – IG @Breslev_English Tour & here with our Double Emuna Tuesday follow-up Emuna Class @ 330pm https://breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future.html “the Souls Greatness” To Follow #AviAbelow – https://pulseofisrael.com/ For all our Special Guests DM our MC Eli Goldsmith – Unity Inspires Projects – Bookings.

Thanks for sharing our weekly Emuna Class Segments brother – Keep flowing real… @RudyRochman @BreslevEnglish 🙂 #unitedsouls… Thank you 🙏 Rudy Rochman רודי רושמן with all our kind hosts and guests that join #RavShalomArush on our Emuna Tour Events & Beyond – https://fb.watch/dV7beyUW6i/ – United Souls Double Emuna Tuesday Class Q/A Weekly approx Check out #rudyrochman Rudy Rochman flow – https://www.youtube.com/c/RudyRochman/
For Booking Special Guests – United Souls Subscribe link below and #unitybookings email – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Moshe Reuven new singlesCheck out @MosheReuven’s new singles and follow on Spotify – for Unity Bookings MR – DM – Email UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.comhttps://open.spotify.com/embed/album/1eiPrkESXlfqvheXoYDq94
#MosheReuven #UnityBookings #Wonderer #Kids #follow #booknow – links on IG Stories – https://moshereuven.com/moshe-s-booking-agent-eli-goldsmith

Rav Arush TY HashemEmuna Tour 2022 Confirmed – Meet and be Blessed by Rav Shalom Arush in person -Join Us for the Climax of Sharing #EmunaGlobal Together! #tyhashem
November 4th – 14th NYC – Brooklyn & Monsey –
For tour info & arranging meetings, contact Eli Breslev Goldsmith at Eli.Goldsmith@breslev.co.il.
Join the tour online at emunalive.com.
Rav Dayan Elgrod will be available to translate to English.
Rav Arush’s books in English will be available, or you can order them from Breslev Store – https://breslev.com/product-category/books/rabbi-arushs-english-books/.
Photo Credit Marko Dashev – #EmunaTour

Dustin Paul & Nissim Black – Human Greatness 2.0 (Official Video) via @nissimblack @DustinPaulMusic Needed musical collab and message for our 2022 flow… soulful musical 🎤 greatness… #unitymusic #unitybookings #humangreatness #nissimblack #dustinpaul 🙂

nissim healables
Yes Chaim from Healables.io working on their healing wearables with our holy bro Nissim Black – new epic video and track TBA – Dm Unity BookingsFor your Unity & Relationship Flow please email – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.comGreat news the Black family had a baby girl – only healthy Simchas and blessings always…
Featured Image -- 7435
Thank you for the Special Cover @Light of Infinite festival will be hosting us on Sept 20th…
Moshe gersht
Imp. Media Link Recommended – https://www.moshegersht.com/unity Nov US/UK Tour Yes

— This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/eli-real/support

Relationship Flow!


Summary – Sad News about the Queen of the UK is below. On a positive note, the holiday after the holiday (lovely pics) has been the best Elul Intentional Preps for the holy busy days ahead (of Sliechot and Tishrei – including Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur & Sukkot) https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/ – Living in every way with mindfulness allows the present to truly flow towards a happy life. Happy sweet new year all – enjoy the #relationshipflow with real intentions, our next episode will be after the high holidays to discuss “Being A Beginner” again & again… till then share our #flow – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com @GoldsmithEli Subscribe –Eligoldsmith.substack.com

United Souls – Extracts from New Book TBA – by Eli Goldsmith – Part 21 – Great Choices in Soulful Living! (subscribe now) https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-5ec?sd=pf – Share your #UnityFlow – #UnityBookings – #unityinspiresprojects…

Sad to hear about the Queen of the United…

View original post 748 more words

Unity Bookings Artists and Speakers – Update and Much More…

Unity Bookings is excited during this special time of Weddings, Events & Simchot to offer talented Artists for your easy booking pleasure – DM/Email – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com or reach out direct WhatsApp +972533175856… Check out the inspiring updated list of many of our talented🙂 https://unityinspiresprojects.wordpress.com/2019/06/18/unity-inspires-booking-artists-creatives-events-updated/ #unitybookings #singers #artists #bands #wedding #barmitzvah #batmitzvah #event #booknow – New Media Link Recommended – https://www.moshegersht.com/unity

Unity Bookings is excited to announce the talented Moshe Reuven for your easy booking pleasure – DM/Email – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com or reach out direct WhatsApp +972533175856… Check out his latest track “Say” feat. Julian Marley & You Are Not Alone by Moshe Reuven – – TBA our Future Unity Bookings Artists (like Moshe Reuven etc), Artists, Creatives – Events & Podcasts – https://anchor.fm/eligoldsmith/

Unity Bookings – DM/Email – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com or reach out direct WhatsApp +972533175856… Check out the inspiring singer @duvieshapiro #duvieshapio 🙂 Unity Bookings – DM/Email – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com or reach out direct WhatsApp +972533175856… Check out the inspiring artist @nissimofficial #nissimblack 🙂 #NissimBlack #Mothalandbounce
Unity Bookings – DM/Email – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com or reach out direct WhatsApp at +972533175856… Check out the inspiring band @shefaband #shefa 
Unity Bookings – DM/Email – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com or reach out direct via WhatsApp at +972533175856… Check out the inspiring band @theshirachoir #theshirachoir
Let’s bring the Fire 🔥 of DJ Hudacris to your Simchot – https://youtube.com/shorts/-Oy9WauEKpI?feature=share Unity Bookings – DM/Email – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com or reach out direct WhatsApp +972533175856… Check out the inspiring DJ @djhudacris #djhudacris 🙂
Unity Bookings – DM/Email – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com or reach out direct WhatsApp +972533175856… Check out the inspiring band @elyonsong1 #eliezerkosoy 🙂
Unity Bookings – DM/Email – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com or reach out direct WhatsApp +972533175856… Check out the inspiring artist @eitankatz #eitankatz 🙂

Excited to share Nissim Black – New Flow – Rav Shalom Arush – Emuna Class # 75! Click, Join Live Weekly @Midnightrabbi_inspires IG, Share on – United Souls Emuna Class Q/A Weekly Sunday 11 30 pm approx…

Weekly Emuna Class by Eli Goldsmith – The End of Days Flow! Click & Share – https://fb.watch/dNvmMr4Yqd/ Emuna is our Future With The End Of Days FLOW! Also Click & Share on – #unitedsouls​ Weekly Emuna Class! By Eliezer Goldsmith – Enjoy growing together #endofdays dealing with #inflation & many of the 2022 #challenges – Tuesday 320 pm approx! Get #Antisoulism Trending Please!

Rudy Rochman – Activism of Truth – Rav Shalom Arush – Emuna Class # 76! Click, Join Live & Share – Thank you 🙏 all our kind hosts and guests that join #RavShalomArush on our Emuna Tour Events & Beyond – Join live & Partner https://breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future.html – Thank you, all the holy #unitedsouls 2022!

Unity Bookings is excited during this special time of Weddings, Events & Simchot to offer talented Artists for your easy booking pleasure – DM/Email – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com or reach out direct WhatsApp +972533175856…More TBA…Stay tuned…It’s Good To Know all our Artists at Unity Bookings are non-exclusive our Goal is a Win-Win opportunity for all involved and inspired! TBA our Future Unity Bookings Artists (Moshe Reuven etc), Artists, Creatives – Events & Podcasts – https://anchor.fm/eligoldsmith/ To Support our Efforts – https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/goldsmitheli Be Kind… Unity Blessings…

Eli Goldsmith Inspired Flow!

Unity Bookings is excited during this special time of Weddings, Events & Simchot to offer talented Artists for your easy booking pleasure – DM/Email – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com or reach out direct WhatsApp +972533175856… Check out the inspiring updated list of many of our talented🙂 https://unityinspiresprojects.wordpress.com/2019/06/18/unity-inspires-booking-artists-creatives-events-updated/#unitybookings #singers #artists #bands #wedding #barmitzvah #batmitzvah #event #booknow Unity-bookings-artists-summer-winter-2022-updates!

Unity Bookings is excited to share real unity-focused speakers DM/Email – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com or reach out direct WhatsApp +972533175856… @UnityInspiresProjects Check out the inspiring updated list of many of our talented🙂 #singers #artists #bands #wedding #barmitzvah #batmitzvah #unitybookings #speakers #YouTubers #influencers #teachers #rolemodels #event #booknow Unityinspiresprojects./2022/06/14/unity-bookings-speakers-moshe-gersht-rudy-rochman-shloime-zionce-many-more!

Unity Bookings is excited to share real unity-focused speakers like Moshe Gersht our first speaker featured on the successful Ted Talks platform & beyond DM/Email – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com or reach out direct WhatsApp +972533175856… @UnityInspiresProjects – Check out the inspiring Teacher, Soulful Guide & Speaker & much more @MosheGersht #MosheGersht…

View original post 1,266 more words

Rav Shalom Arush – Dov Halperin – Westside Gravy – United Souls!

Enjoy growing together With #Visions of #Truth!!!
Join us for our Weekly Monday Emuna​ Class 330 PM Eli Goldsmith- #UnitedSouls​! Enjoy the One-Time Thursday Live to grow together With #TuBAv #Comfort!!!  Dedicated to the comfort, healing & miracles for all Communities globally – For Unity Bookings & Projects Email – Unityinspiresprojects@gmail.com
 https://anchor.fm/eli-real/episodes/Keep-Going—Keep-Simple—Keep-Consitent-e157qgg Thank you for joining our third #relationshipflow special episode staring Wifey aka @tinipops613! This is an achievement to have established 3 episodes together with our soulmate relationship focus! We appreciate your feedback on our growing conversation – UnityInspiresProjects@Gmail.com :)!
Join Eli Goldsmith for his ongoing discussion and learning about how to UNIFY OUR WORLD! Click & Watch here – Eli’s mission is to guide people to the understanding that people share common goals and missions … we just need to listen and HEAR each other!
Listen to our Unity Flow Podcast – https://open.spotify.com/show/3tDlNLz3kybD10O72xTsQk?si=jMypq6VmSEGjZSEtroqV5g&dl_branch=1 Class is for 1 hour and the cost is $20 USD or $18 worth of $JEFF – Register and pay with $JEFF: https://rally.io/creator/JEFF/?campaignId=be3962fd-a615-4a7f-9f41-04f75e9852f5 The next Session is Tuesday, August 17th, 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM (Eastern)
Before 17th August – Sign up for the Full Interactive experience. #Come #Unity = #community!
Westside Gravy – Unity of Identities – Rav Shalom Arush – Emuna Class Q/A #45! Click, Join & Share on –
Thank you for joining our important Rosh Chodesh Elul Dedication to the Communities Worldwide – United Souls Emuna Class Q/A Weekly Sunday 8:30 pm (1:30 pm EST) – Translated! Please Partner with our Emuna Tour 2021 – Emunalive.com
Noah Shufuntinsky, also known as #WestsideGravy, writes and produces powerful rap music that celebrates the intersection of his Jewish and Black identities – Click to Follow – https://open.spotify.com/artist/4wPgSU8TFVCmCTyMSDXuGY?si=dOJcmy0gRj2E7oWAw9Ev4w&dl_branch=1
For #UnityBookings email UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com! @unityinspiresprojects!

😍 WATCH LIVE ON IGTV @Breslev_English

Breslev Israel Podcast



Thank you for joining our important Dedication to the Communities Worldwide – Click, Watch & Share – https://fb.watch/77nl49IPtQ/

United Souls Emuna Class Q/A Weekly Sunday 8:30 pm (1:30 pm EST) – Translated! Please Partner with our Emuna Tour 2021 – Emunalive.com

Check out & Follow the talented sincere Dov Halperin Click & Share –

Let us Welcome Reuven Garber and their family to the holy land, we shall have to wait for his appearance and will announce a possible special guest B’H – making Aliyah isn’t simple – Odecha & Ayeh – Emuna Class Q/A TBA Listen & Follow here – https://open.spotify.com/artist/4Xb6buvkQy9mLuzyjD31qT?si=Bn1kLDFVS-23vHgV2WWVww&dl_branch=1

We have had the merit to host special inspiring guests including many of your important appreciated questions with kind feedback to #RavShalomArush! Please send us your names to dedicate the 30 mins in pray to the love of all people – a world changer!!! For #UnityBookings…

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Eli Goldsmith Weekly United Souls Emuna Classes – Pure Will to Transformed Blessings!!

Emuna Is Our Future With Transformed Blessings! Let us transform the 3 weeks together – Click & Share –

We will be going ahead with our Weekly Emuna Class by Eli Goldsmith this Monday 18th Tamuz – We invite you to enjoy and share our growing Playlist – https://www.facebook.com/watch/132606533481945/691219604759571 Unity Inspires Projects

Join us for our Weekly Monday #Emuna​ Class 330 PM by Eli Goldsmith – #UnitedSouls​! Now is a great time to grow together With #ConvertedBlessings!!!

We are now planning to fly Rav Shalom Arush to Miami 14th Oct (8th Cheshvan) Parshat Lech Lecha and to New York 19th Oct (13th Cheshvan) Parshat Vayera – return to The holy land 25th Oct (25th Cheshvan) Parshat Chaya Sarah, depending on sponsorship and partnership with hosts, etc. Click here – Emunalive.com

Eli #UnityBookings & Team Nissimofficial.com 
DM +972533175856 or email UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Thursday, July 29, 2021 https://www.factory220.com/live-events/

It’s all the Same – @MosheGersht – Emuna Class Q/A #41 – Rav Shalom Arush – Music by @yosefdanielofficial! For the Full Video & Audio Edited Version Click – https://fb.watch/6g43ncynu3/ & https://anchor.fm/breslevisrael/episodes/Its-all-the-Same—Moshe-Gersht—Emuna-Class-QA-41—Rav-Shalom-Arush—Music-by-Yosef-Daniel-e134pb5

Now in blog format – Click, Follow the blog & Share – https://bit.ly/3gVZYXy

Eli Goldsmith Inspired Flow!



Join us for our Weekly Monday #Emuna
Class 330 PM by@Eli Unity Goldsmith #inspired – #UnitedSouls!

Click here – Emunalive.com 🙂 #EmunaTour2021 online & in-person TBC!
For Names to the Rav, Info, Partnering, Meetings, and Hosting – Eli.Goldsmith@Breslev.co.il

Love of all People Rav Arush’s unity prayer is now in a new booklet – https://bit.ly/3zQyGug

Now is a great time to grow together With #PureWill!! Click & Share on – https://fb.watch/68c_cBrv_q/ &

WOAH – Listening to #synagize – https://open.spotify.com/episode/078TnbJeHpt6XbUErMj132?si=a15w4ZYASeyIZb9Kbm6j-Q&dl_branch=1
United Souls for a Divisive Generation! By Eli Goldsmith –
JULY 20th is our next session – @pulveREDU 514: Uniting Our Souls Across the Globe with Eli Goldsmith – #unitedsouls – Sign up now – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pulveredu513-uniting-our-souls-across-the-globe-with-eli-goldsmith-tickets-153396614403
Please email – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Sharing some Converted Blessings!!! United Souls​! Reminder to Join us for our Weekly Monday Emuna​ Class 330 PM by Eli Goldsmith​ – https://fb.watch/6gowdQ0Nyl/

We wanted to touch base to…

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