Tag Archive | Unwired

Our Oldest Son Joins the Army – Together Flow!

Yes – United Souls – Extracts from New Book TBA – by Eli Goldsmith – Part 18 – Going ahead no matter what! (subscribe now) – https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-c27?sd=pf – Share your #UnityFlow – #UnityBookings – #unityinspiresprojects DM/ UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com
LIVE: International Conservative Conference with #BenShapiro | In Tel Aviv CPAC 2022… via @benshapiro @realDailyWire Pure fire 🔥 & true facts from Ben Shapiro live now in the holy land TLV 2022 5782 #shareon #notpolitics #CPAC2022 #facts #unitedsouls https://www.tiktok.com/@elipmusic/video/7123168194067467522?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=6961389434914784769https://www.tiktok.com/@eliezergoldsmith/video/7122814816997231874?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=6961389434914784769
“A Unity Peaceful Focus in the Holy land” Emuna Class Q/A # 78 – Click & Share – – Website Version – https://breslev.com/video/a-unity-peaceful-focus-in-the-holy-land-emuna-class-q-a-78/ Weekly Double Emuna Tuesday 12pmish – Emunalive.com – “A Unity Peaceful Focus in the Holy land” Special Emuna Class by By @Avi Abelow & @Eli Unity Goldsmith – Emunalive.com going live 12pmish and 330 pm Double #Emuna Tuesday with #EliGoldsmith & special guests… ( #AviAbelow 🙂 on #BreslevEnglish) – https://fb.watch/ed3DIlqS1M/ For Booking Special Guests #UnityBookings email UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com!
Weekly Emuna Class by Eli Goldsmith – Commitment to Peace! Emuna is our Future With Commitment To Peace by Eliezer Goldsmith! Join Live, Click & Share – https://fb.watch/eeb_H9Uid7/ – Yes 🙌🏻 #unitedsouls​ Weekly Emuna Class – Enjoy growing together #commitment to #peace 2022 – Tuesday 330 pm approx! Get #Antisoulism Trending Please!
Nissim Black Live in Rishon Letzion, Israel 2022 via @nissimblack Yes 🙌🏻 happy to have connected our holy bro #NissimBlack to the special traveling soul #ShloimeZionce aka @Chusidel – great 😊 footage & energy – more like this… DM #elig #unitybookings
Happy to be Unity Bookings with the talented influencer & artist http://moshereuven.com performing at the @chosencomedy hosted by @StandUpNY & @danizold – get your tickets now… the lineup is beyond legit! For #unitybookings#moshereuven plz DM – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Moshe Reuven Comedy festUnity Bookings is excited to offer talented Artists (e.g. new – Moshe Reuven Pic above) for your easy booking pleasure – DM/Email – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com or reach out directly to WhatsApp +972533175856… Check out the inspiring updated list of many of our talented🙂 #unitybookings #singers #artists #bands #speakers #wedding #barmitzvah #batmitzvah #event #booknow https://unityinspiresprojects.wordpress.com/2022/06/07/unity-bookings-artists-summer-winter-2022-updates/
Updated General list – Including – Nissim Black, Duvie Shapiro, Moshe Reuven (new), DJ Hudacris(new), Ari Lesser (renewed), Eitan Katz, The Shira Choir, Moshe Gersht – new Media link – https://www.moshegersht.com/unity, Tali Yess (new), Rudy Rochman, Westside Gravy, Shloime Zionce, Saul Blinkoff, Jodeci Joseph, Eli Goldsmith, The Shefa Band, Nuriel, Shlepping Nachas, Yosef Daniel, Reuven Garber, and  I&R  – Judith Gerzi and Esther with many more… https://unityinspiresprojects.wordpress.com/2019/06/18/unity-inspires-booking-artists-creatives-events-updated/ – Our Unity Booking Agency Full Growing list of talented Speakers, Artists, Creatives, and Bookings
This Emuna Weekly Class Double Tuesday https://fb.watch/emdMjhdqGh/ with our long-awaited return of the special guest R Mordechai Ben Avraham hosted by Eliezer Goldsmith – ““Welcoming all Souls to Emuna” – Live feed – https://www.facebook.com/breslev.english – & IG Live @BreslevEnglish – On all our Audio Platforms & the YouTube link TBA… Follow Mordechai ben Avraham Out-Reach here – https://www.instagram.com/mordechai_yosef_ben_avraham/ For Booking Special Guests #UnityBookings email UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com!
Our Weekly Follow-up United Souls Class will continue at 330pm approx by Eli Breslev Goldsmith continuing FB Live & on YouTube Live – – Emuna is our Future with Welcoming Souls. Q/A direct to Eli.Goldsmith@Breslev.co.il! #Emuna #onlineteachings!
A little bit of light dispels a lot of darkness
— Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi – we choose Emunalive.com – let’s together be lamp lighters… #emunaglobal
Relationships are lovely 🥰 so are we 🤩😍😘 https://youtu.be/Hi0D0YMej50 Peace Unto You A CAPPELLA Version Shalom Aleichem three weeks sefira music Jewish Rap Song – Daily Dose of Divinity
ABCs of Emuna | Rabbi Shalom Arush – Click & Share – – #ravshalomarush shlita teaches a mourning family the basic rules of #emuna, and how to stay strong even in the worst of situations.

Relationship Flow!


Summary – No matter what your opinion is when Our Oldest Son Joined the Army we approach this Together! We realize this transition is coming for a higher purpose and mission in our Journey as #UnitedSouls – Our #relationshipflow helps us and guides us forward – Click kindly here – https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli – To assist us financially currently for the months ahead and to sponsor our Unity Inspires Projects plz partner with our secure link! Realise these 3 weeks of mourning and 3 years of army service to beyond, are all a part of the truthful process… Dedicated to Boruch Yitzchak ben Masha success and heavenly protection! Share yours – UnityInspiresProjects@Gmail.com

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