Shyne and a Rebbe share in common a want to free Gilad Shalit!

Midnight Rabbi  –  Public
Shyne singing for Gilad Shalit and Justice for Jonathan Pollard freedom with Matisyahu, 2011.
Also my Rebbe on Rosh Hashanah in the new year before blowing the shofar  said “the importance of praying for Gilad Shalit our holy people to be truly free! Especially during the shofar blows”, and now through charity bring there freedom!
Intersting quote i just found on JC newspaper  “In 2000, as his trial loomed and he feared that the album, Shyne, would be shelved due to negative publicity, he declared to God: “You know what? You know how much I love women, I’m going to be shomer habris [refrain from all sexual activity unless married] until this record comes out.”As he talks, there is a sense that while he has left behind the gangsta lifestyle that characterised his teenage years, spent partly with his mother and partly in care, he relates to God in the same way he related to his allies on the streets – with a you-watch-my-back-I’ll-watch-yours understanding. As far as he is concerned, he became religious in prison and as a result, rather than finding he was a disgraced former star upon his release, he found the music world ready to take him back. He considers it a “miracle reward” for his spirituality that Def Jam Recordings signed him, and thinks that he needs to carry on being observant to ensure continued success. “Everything I hold today is pragmatic. Everything I’ve done on a basic level of Judaism got me so far – wouldn’t it make sense to do even more because I want more?” he says.How will Shyne’s new identity play itself out in his music? His new raps, which he previewed during our interview, are thoughtful and emotive, many of them predictably about his feelings during his conviction and prison stint. He looks back on his debut album as reflecting a lifetime of “pain and anger”, his second album, Godfather Buried Alive, as “a little more intellectual and a little more sophisticated, explaining why I’m angry”, and thinks that his two forthcoming albums, Messiah and Gangland de-glamorise gangster life. But he stresses: “I don’t make preachy records.”He will not make religion a dominant theme in his lyrics, but he expects some Jerusalem experiences to creep in and his Chasidic attire to become a familiar sight on stage.”There’s a girl by the name of Lady Gaga and she’s the number one pop artist in the world and she wears outfits that are stitched together with meat,” he says, reasoning that if her fans are OK with her unusual look, his fans will be OK with his.

Our prayers and wants for unified good become reality!

Singalong enjoy my latest songs- enjoy some tunes po<-!


About Eli Goldsmith - United Souls

From London originally, Eli Goldsmith was born into a family well established in the music and entertainment industries. Eli has transferred his upbringing and talents to the cutting edge of Jewish culture and talent and has hosted many exciting events for a variety of programs. Recently he’s managed the well-known music artist Nissim Black, consulted successfully with high profile media articles, world tour, & online music biz opportunities! Eli has studied in England at John Lyons School Harrow, Woodhouse College, and Sussex University. He continued his education in Israel, studying Talmudic Law and group counseling at Ohr Sameach, Kollel Aiza HaBirah, Kollel Boston, and Derech Hamelech. He’s served as a Rabbi in six well-known programs, and became lovingly knows as the “Midnight Rabbi,” – thus named by his own students, Eli has rounded off his outlook with the wisdom and insight of Stephen Covey’s “7 habits," and developed the “10 habits” – a successful, practical business approach. He worked as a consultant for a well-known charity for 4 years! He honed his skills and talents as a manager working at the Jaffa Institute, and its sister program the Bet Shemesh Educational Center, where he formed bonds with special people worldwide. He also worked as an office manager at the UKA, and as a counselor at Retorno - a rehab center. He’s also had great experiences working in different fields, in places like,,, Cellular Israel, etc. Recently, Eli was MC for all of Breslev Israel’s English platforms, events, weekly Studio classes for Rav Shalom Arush, and the Emuna Team! He successfully developed inspiring new projects and platforms, while performing as a dynamic PR representative for various social media and music companies at the same time. Eli contributes to professionalism, HR, and positive developmental feedback. Speaking in front of large audiences online and in-person with real confidence bringing change. Eli is dedicated to a 2020 Vision (and beyond) of Unity Projects, Unity Bookings, and Unity Marketing. These projects are the keys to addressing the root of the core issues facing our generation. Eli has founded the Unity Inspires Projects to facilitate positive, lasting change. Part of this project is the Unity Booking Agency, with its growing list of talented creatives, speakers, and artists :)! Thanks for your Unity Focus and Inspired Collaboration with Unity Marketing! :) WhatsApp is the best way to contact Eli at -+972505305002! Email: Twitter: #unitedsouls!

4 responses to “Shyne and a Rebbe share in common a want to free Gilad Shalit!”

  1. midnightrabbi says :

    Thank G-d he is now free Gilad Shalit on the Ashupizin of Yosef Hatzaddick, to reveal that all jews are prescious to Hashem and our prayers our heard!

  2. midnightrabbi says :

    There is no direct connection with shyne and rebbe other than they both want gilad free and now he is unity of good of all yisrael was achieved , may we share more good news togehter !

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