Mazel Tov and Chappy Chanukah, when OUR HUSBAND is GIVING SINCERE LOVE TO WIFEY!

#TONIGHT 1st night of #hanukkah , light ur wifey up with happiness and 🙂 to #all#

The Guide for Husband Wifey happy!

chanukah 1st nightSimcha this #Hanukkah will bring the light of Shalom Bayis to us all, and mazel tov on our 12th anniversary.

ashreinu yosef kardunerInspired at #ASHREINU -> YOSEF KARDUNER 1st night of Chanukah Wed. 5774 in Beit Shemesh Educational Center with the midnightrabbi, EMAIL ME TO SPONSOR our SHOWs thanks -> or phone 0573175856!

The Latest Midnightrabbi inspired classess <- click here and enjoy lighten up 😀 !


This is now the most important part of our Guide together, where we really get focused on what our Husband and Wifey’s whole relationship is all about. It is time to remember that even the Guide himself has to get advice from more experienced Guides and hear if the Guide himself is applying what he is helping our Husband with. This is the heart of the matter and needs our full focus and attention…

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About Eli Goldsmith - United Souls

From London originally, Eli Goldsmith was born into a family well established in the music and entertainment industries. Eli has transferred his upbringing and talents to the cutting edge of Jewish culture and talent and has hosted many exciting events for a variety of programs. Recently he’s managed the well-known music artist Nissim Black, consulted successfully with high profile media articles, world tour, & online music biz opportunities! Eli has studied in England at John Lyons School Harrow, Woodhouse College, and Sussex University. He continued his education in Israel, studying Talmudic Law and group counseling at Ohr Sameach, Kollel Aiza HaBirah, Kollel Boston, and Derech Hamelech. He’s served as a Rabbi in six well-known programs, and became lovingly knows as the “Midnight Rabbi,” – thus named by his own students, Eli has rounded off his outlook with the wisdom and insight of Stephen Covey’s “7 habits," and developed the “10 habits” – a successful, practical business approach. He worked as a consultant for a well-known charity for 4 years! He honed his skills and talents as a manager working at the Jaffa Institute, and its sister program the Bet Shemesh Educational Center, where he formed bonds with special people worldwide. He also worked as an office manager at the UKA, and as a counselor at Retorno - a rehab center. He’s also had great experiences working in different fields, in places like,,, Cellular Israel, etc. Recently, Eli was MC for all of Breslev Israel’s English platforms, events, weekly Studio classes for Rav Shalom Arush, and the Emuna Team! He successfully developed inspiring new projects and platforms, while performing as a dynamic PR representative for various social media and music companies at the same time. Eli contributes to professionalism, HR, and positive developmental feedback. Speaking in front of large audiences online and in-person with real confidence bringing change. Eli is dedicated to a 2020 Vision (and beyond) of Unity Projects, Unity Bookings, and Unity Marketing. These projects are the keys to addressing the root of the core issues facing our generation. Eli has founded the Unity Inspires Projects to facilitate positive, lasting change. Part of this project is the Unity Booking Agency, with its growing list of talented creatives, speakers, and artists :)! Thanks for your Unity Focus and Inspired Collaboration with Unity Marketing! :) WhatsApp is the best way to contact Eli at -+972505305002! Email: Twitter: #unitedsouls!

One response to “Mazel Tov and Chappy Chanukah, when OUR HUSBAND is GIVING SINCERE LOVE TO WIFEY!”

  1. Midnightrabbi inspired says :

    Tonight Alive #struggle to light up the whole #world !
    Vid of class coming soon
    midnightrabbi cheesy fire
    Listen to midnightrabbi cheesy fire | Explore the largest community of artists, bands, podcasters and creators of music & audio.

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